Happy Friday my Finish It Friday friends. I hope you had a great week. I’m still in Michigan…so my weekend to-do list will be short and sweet this week. Here’s what’s on tap for me:
Play List
- Hang out with my Dad on Saturday. (And hopefully my sister…if she is feeling better.)
To Finish
- Unpack. 🙂
- Start + finish laundry.
I’m sure there will be more…but these are the big hitters for me this weekend. I fly back early Sunday morning…so have just part of a day to get things done this weekend.
What’s on your to-do list this weekend? I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great weekend. 🙂
Fun: Bowling and Pizza birthday party for a friend
Date night with Fiance
To do: Return Library Books
Bring stuff to savers
Fun/to do: start new bath goods company with fiance
1. Return the shoes I bought last week
2. Saturday morning workout at the gym
3. Laundry
4. Work on one of my knitting projects
5. Fresh sheets for the bed
Have a great weekend!!
1. Go to a play with my Mom
2. Spend some time on our patio, enjoying the beautiful weather. We’ll probably test out the grill too!
1. Wash windows
2. Clean house
3. Laundry
4. Paint a tray, trellis, and some frames for upcoming projects
5.Dust baseboards (part of Spring Cleaning)
6. Highlight hair with natural ingredients. Fingers crossed because this will be a first for me!
7. Clean the grill (Delegate to Husband?)
8. Purge and sort digital pictures.
I’m finishing laundry from a busy week.
Chicken ‘n Biscuits dinner Saturday night at a nearby church! MMmmmmm
It’s going to be a GIRL – found out today – 2nd granddaughter! 🙂
This weekend I’ll be satisfied if I complete our tax returns.
On the “fun” list is family pizza night & the first Saturday of soccer season for my youngest son!
Keeping my niece Saturday and baking sugar cookies and making chocolates then crafts
Out to Lunch on Saturday
Taking dinner to my sister-in-law when we return her Saturday night and spend time with the rest of the family
Read – Finish book 3 in the series I’m reading
Cleaning-Get some of it done
Won’t get much done entertaining a 9 year old but we’re so looking forward to keeping her for the day. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Dottie
We have a really busy weekend, so I am getting a jump on some cleaning today. That way I can enjoy more of the weekend and not stress….I hope.
Laundry – folded + put away
Meal plan + grocery shop for the week
Clean bathrooms
Sweep + mop kitchen
Vacuum my car + wipe down leather, dash,etc
Haircuts for my two boys
Finish gathering clothes,stuffed animals to donate for a clothing drive with cub scouts
Opening weekend/ceremony for Little League
Baseball + soccer games for my oldest son
Soccer game for my daughter
Family Birthday dinner – need to wrap gift still, make card
Birthday party for my daughter to attend on Sunday
Quick trip to the library
Family movie night with pizza
To do:
Order photos
Bday party sleepover/paintball/lunch….
Bake bday cake
wash sheets
clean shower
Menu plan
update calendar – check bday cards April
Bday party sleepover
finish Mom’s calendar!!
Copic’s class
catch up on daily reading
I have to work, so my ‘fun’ won’t start until Monday 🙂
But of course, despite work, there’s a ‘finish’ list, so here goes:
Meals for the weekend (NO cafeteria meals this weekend, is my goal!)
Get iPhoto 11 for my Mac (wait, that’s kinda Fun!)
Make a ‘to do’ list for upcoming vacation/work plans
Arrange work schedule changes (for vacation)
Read Lesson 2 for Paper Clutter class
Walk on treadmill 30 min (each day)
Take books to my friend Jen (for a test she is taking)
I’ll see how far I get with this list!
Play List:
Complete One (of many) painting projects.
Birthday Party for Mother-In-Law(Fri night).
Play Outside w/ family.
Finish List:
While Outside w/ fam do some type of yard work.
Deep Clean Kitchen
Vac. Floors
Go to park with my family & hike or play
Date night dinner with DH
Laundry (As if it’s ever done!)
Put away the winter gear
Put half my finished layouts into albums
Stamp my journalling stamps onto index cards
Fun- Christening Party
Clear Clutter in spare
Start laundry
Study for my mid-term
Let’s see what I get done….
I have to work all day Saturday, so my “to do” list has to be reasonable. I think the biggie is that I need to make more progress on the curtains for our family room. I have 4 panels from Pottery Barn that I need to iron, hem shorter, and sew together into a pair for my sliding patio doors.
1. Um, read blogs?
2. Read some books
To Do:
1. Pay Bills!!!!
2. Laundry
3. Dust livingroom
4. Put up Spring and Easter decorations(ok, this is more of a Play)
5. Clean up diningroom
6. Make some meals for the week.
Enjoy the rest of your time in Michigan!!
1. Um, read blogs?
2. Read some books
To Do:
1. Pay Bills!!!!
2. Laundry
3. Dust livingroom
4. Put up Spring and Easter decorations(ok, this is more of a Play)
5. Clean up diningroom
6. Make some meals for the week.
Enjoy the rest of your time in Michigan!!