Well my friends, this is it—the last Friday of 2011! Do you have big plans for welcoming in the New Year? We’re going to celebrate at home with a nice dinner, crackling fire, and maybe a good movie. It will be quiet and relaxing…and I’m really looking forward to it. But before we get to that (or maybe after) there are some things to get done! Here are my lists:
Play List
- Boot camp. My cold is gone, so I’m going back in for another week of boot camp. Woohoo! It feels so good to be heading into a new year with a good fitness habit built into my routine. I’m looking forward to adding more fitness in 2012.
- New Year’s Eve celebration. Really looking forward to a relaxing end to 2011 and start to 2012.
To Finish
- Freebie Friday post. That’s right—I’ve got a super fun Freebie Friday later today. So be sure to come back and enter!
- Laundry. I’m in good shape right now—I’ve been doing laundry throughout the week. It really seemed to multiply last weekend. So this week the goal is just to do a couple of loads and start the week with empty hampers. (I love starting the week with empty hampers. Weird, right?)
- January’s Get Organized Checklist. Keep your eyes out for that this weekend!
- Put away the holiday decorations and take down the tree.
- Take care of a few more returns.
- Finish 2011 bookkeeping. We’re in really good shape—just a few little missing pieces to get into place. Hooray! It always feels good to have that done.
So…it will be a mix of busy activity and relaxation on Saturday night. I hope you have a terrific weekend, and a safe and happy New Year!
P.S. Are you excited about creating change in the New Year, like I am? Join me in the online workshop How to Achieve Your Goals + Create a Life You Love! It’s a January tradition here at simplify 101 and I’d love to have you join in the fun this year. Tap into the power of goals and see how much fun it is to create a life you love!
Have a very Happy New Year everyone! We’re going out to dinner with my daughter’s family New Years Eve to a Japanese Hibachi place.. always fun and lots of good food and then a quite midnight celebration at home.. New Years Day my family is coming (there are a lot of us) so lots of good food, laughs and love.. promises to be a fun weekend.
1. We’re starting the fun weekend today going into NYC to see a Broadway Play and have dinner.
2. Sat dinner out.
3. Sun family get together.
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…) I think I’ll leave this until monday as part of the party cleanup 🙂
2. Food Shopping
3. Finish up some cleanup projects I’ve been working on this week
4. Finish putting away the decorations (I already started during the week they were getting on my nerves)
5. Review our schedule next week and get organized for work, etc (it’s always so hard going to work/school after a long holiday.
Have a wonderful holiday everyone.. see you next year!
We usually have a quiet night at home with the kids. We do a taco bar, cupcakes and watch a movie or three. Last year we watched Harry Potter, this year we will watch Spy Kids or Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Happy and healthy wishes for 2012 to everyone!
Clean upstairs bathrooms
Christmas stuff down + put away
Sweep + mop kitchen
Vacuum my car + hopefully take it through the car wash
Get backpacks + school related supplies ready for Monday. If you can believe it my kids start back on Monday.
Work on Goodwill items
Bake cupcakes for NYE
Saturday am run
Take my youngest to the movies while my husband takes the older two skiing
Wow it’s hard to believe we’re starting a new year. Where did 2011 go? Happy New Year Everyone!
Holiday party tonight
Saturday – going to my bf’s house for leftovers and to celebrate the new year
Read – love to snuggle with a good book
Rest – still sick and trying to get well – this has been dragging on for 4 weeks but I’m going out tonight for sure
To Do:
Pay Bills
Balance Checkbook
Wash – I’m agree with you Aby – love to start off the week with a empty hamper
Take down some holiday decorations
Goals for New Year- started and have a good plan in place but still pondering on a few things
Have a great weekend and see you in 2012.
For us, New Year’s Eve is always a family, at-home affair. We cook lots of snack-type foods and watch movies.
Trying to keep the to-do list light and enjoy the last weekend of the holiday season!
*New Year’s Eve celebration with family
*Read & relax
*Catch up in Holiday class forums
*Finish prep for Bible class on Sunday
*Finish prep for 4H meeting on Monday
*Finish taking down the Christmas tree & decorations
*Sign up for online classes
*Update calendar for January 2012
*Declutter the floor of my closet