I hope you had a terrific week. It has been a good one here, but I really can’t believe it is May. My sense of time still seems to be a bit off kilter. It all started last year in May when my Dad started to rapidly decline. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since everything got so crazy.
It’s also hard to believe that summer break starts for my kids in 19 days! This kind of stuff sneaks up on you when your concept of time is off kilter. Very soon I will have a kiddo headed to high school. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that when I started simplify 101 he started kindergarten. Isn’t that crazy?
I wonder when it is really going to hit me that Collin is going to high school. High School. Sometimes these things hit me at exactly the wrong time. For example, when he “graduated” from primary elementary school (K through 2) to intermediate elementary school, I hadn’t expected that to be so emotional. It hit me just as I was telling his principal how much he had enjoyed her school and how much I appreciated her and the school. All of a sudden, mid-sentence, I turned into a weepy mess. Nice. This makes me realize that right now I’m an emotional time bomb…just not sure when I’m going to blow.
This really has nothing to do with getting ourselves organized for the weekend, it’s just a little slice of life and a peek inside what’s going on around here. It’s also a little head’s up in case you see me out in the world and I start crying for no apparent reason. You’ll know what’s really going on. 😉
Alright. Onto the main event: the weekend to-do list.
Run. Geez, I haven’t run much this week. I ran outside once, in my hilly neighborhood, on the hottest day yet. That was fun (not.). That, along with a bunch of track meets, seems to have temporarily squelched my enthusiasm. So this weekend I must fit in 7 miles to keep on pace with my goal. Check and check! I ran 3 miles on Friday and 4 on Saturday.
- Wine night. This month we’re headed to a little winery in town. Should be fun. Check! And it was really fun.
- Project Life. Edit and print. I made progress last weekend…but still more to go to get caught up. (More on this later. I’m planning a 13 in 13 check in post.) No check.
- Purchase, wrap and mail Mother’s Day gift. Check!
- Summer plans. Kailea asked if we could make a summer bucket list. I love that this is her idea. I was kind of dreading it because last summer just took on a life of its own. But now that she wants to do one…it feels fun again. I also need to begin filling out some forms for camps. We’re going to do far fewer camps this year, which is really a huge relief to me! Less running around. Yay! Check! I spent a lot of time planning and putting things in the calendar, filling out some forms for camp, realizing I need to schedule a camp / sports physical, etc. And Kailea and I did a little summer bucket list. If the sun would come back to Edwardsville, it would really help me feel like summer was in fact coming!
- Bed shopping. Check. What a process. 😉
- Laundry. Check!
- Meal plan and grocery shop. Check!

Wow Collin in high school! I totally understand what you mean about being an emotional time bomb.
Have fun with your project life progress!
Summer Bucket List is on my list too!
-celebrate interNational Scrapbook Day with church crop tonight and BPC crop challenges tomorrow
-Project Life
-plan Oregon trip
-get out summer/spring clothes/switch wardrobe
-consignment store prep
-summer bucket list
-monthly spending plan
-buy & mail mothers’ day cards
-write out May goals
This list makes me tired, but we have a clear slate tomorrow so I’m hoping to bust through a lot of things at home since it will be rainy.
Nice that you’re headed to Oregon sometime soon! Hope you have a great time!
~ Aby
Checking in – Yes I need to actually like plan our trip – pick dates and stuff, which has become more complicated because I don’t want to interfere with Luci’s Preschool schedule. GASP my baby starts preschool in September!
-celebrate interNational Scrapbook Day with church crop tonight and BPC crop challenges tomorrow Half Check. Had a great time at church crop and did 2 BPC challenges.
-Project Life No Check
-laundry Check
-plan Oregon trip No Check
-get out summer/spring clothes/switch wardrobe I did the girls, still need to do mine.
-consignment store prep Half Check. I pulled out all my totes and reorganized all the clothes and sorted and made piles.
-summer bucket list Check (and scrapbooked for BPC Crop Challenge)
-monthly spending plan Check
-buy & mail mothers’ day cards Bought so 1/2 check.
-write out May goals CHECK
Wow Aby – I can really relate to your post today. Our daughter will be entering high school this year, too. I also feel that time has flown by this year. Today at our school the 8th graders will present a “Parent Tribute” program to the parents. I’ll have plenty of kleenex in my purse!
Here’s my Fun & Done for this weekend:
*Dinner out with Girl Scout troop to celebrate Silver Award
*Attend Girl Scout Award ceremony
*Visit water garden & plant nursery-shop for outdoor planters
*Write card & deliver wedding present
*Meal plan & shop
Thanks for joining in this week. We don’t have a Parent Tribute program…that definitely would require a lot of Kleenex! Hope it went well. 🙂
~ Aby
Wow Aby ~ I totally relate to time out of kilter (although high school is a way off for us). I nearly missed the fact that this weekend is a long one here with Early May bank holiday on Monday ~ yay and oh no! I hadn’t planned for it!
~ attend a christening and chance to catch up with lots of dear friends
~ time out treat for me tomorrow (pedicure)
~ enjoy the Monday holiday ~ it promises to be hot and sunny so I need to figure out a good alternative to the beach which will be crazy busy with traffic and people
~ do a complete check of items on my packing list and compile shopping list for health and beauty stuff (I think we’ve done clothes now)
~ complete few more spring cleaning bits and bobs
~ make final arrangements for our travel plans
Thanks, Hannah! Hope you enjoy your bank holiday!
thanks Aby ~ we had a lovely weekend, for once the sun shone on the holiday weekend (it is usually a wet one).
~ attend a christening and chance to catch up with lots of dear friends ~CHECK
~ time out treat for me tomorrow (pedicure) ~ CHECK I think I’ve discovered a new time out slot in my weekend
~ enjoy the Monday holiday ~ it promises to be hot and sunny so I need to figure out a good alternative to the beach which will be crazy busy with traffic and people ~ CHECK CHECK CHECK ~ we turned our garden into the beach with paddling pool, deck chairs etc, even fake flowers for an instant summer feel
~ do a complete check of items on my packing list and compile shopping list for health and beauty stuff (I think we’ve done clothes now) ~CHECK and I even got the shopping done
~ complete few more spring cleaning bits and bobs ~ NO CHECK 🙁 too much lovely sunshine to be indoors
~ make final arrangements for our travel plans ~ CHECK
Oh Aby, you’re so right! Where does the time go??? I read a quote once that motherhood is a series of long days and short years. I’ve found that to be very true. My “baby” will be a Senior in high school next year. My firstborn is getting married in September. My middle one (and only daughter) is getting her undergraduate degree and heading to graduate school. The years have flown by, for sure. Soak it all up while you can, but remember the best may still be yet to come 🙂
We are just back from our week away and May is the busiest month for our family, so here goes:
*Family movie/pizza night
*Recital for youngest son
*Church potluck/graduation party
*Spring concert for youngest son
*Take a walk outdoors
*Menu planning/grocery shopping
*DS taking his SAT
*Mother’s Day & birthday shopping
*Make dessert for potluck
*Homeschool planning for next week
*Final prep for 4-H meeting
*Trim DS & grandson’s hair
*email pics to oldest son
Happy weekend everyone!
Hope you enjoyed your week away Lycia! Hope you had a nice weekend, too.
~ Aby
Thanks, Aby. We had a really nice trip. It was a long drive but we like road trips, so that made it fun 🙂
The weekend was good too. Lots to do, but I didn’t feel a lot of stress. Mostly I was thankful that I’d done so much prep before we left on our trip. I liked your recent post about not only “planning ahead” but “acting ahead” as well, and that’s what I’m trying to do.
Checking in from the weekend:
*Family movie/pizza night – CHECK!
*Recital for youngest son – CHECK!
*Scrapbooking – if you count downloading goodies for iNSD, then CHECK!
*Church potluck/graduation party – CHECK!
*Spring concert for youngest son – CHECK!
*Take a walk outdoors – no.
*Menu planning/grocery shopping – CHECK!
*DS taking his SAT – CHECK!
*Mother’s Day & birthday shopping – CHECK!
*Make dessert for potluck – CHECK!
*Homeschool planning for next week – no, but it won’t be hard to take care of on Monday
*Final prep for 4-H meeting – CHECK!
*Bookkeeping – some progress made
*Trim DS & grandson’s hair – DS, yes. Grandson, no.
*Laundry – CHECK!
*email pics to oldest son – CHECK!
Well, I don’t have kids of my own, but I understand the feeling. My niece (who I watched be born!) recently turned 20. Sometimes I wonder how she grew up when I haven’t aged a bit! 🙂 There is a song that goes something like this….”Turn around and you’re two. Turn around and you’re four. Turn around and you’re a young girl walking out of the door. Turn around and you’re tiny. Turn around and you’re grown. Turn around and you’re a young mother with children of your own.” Gets me all teary-eyed too!
Anyway… I’m going to start this again. I was getting so completely overwhelmed and stressed out by my 13 in 13 goals that I had to take a break for awhile. But I made a few modifications to my goals and I’m feeling better about them. I think I can do this again.
–Grocery shop/errands
–Clean (I’m keeping this vague on purpose… it leaves me free to simply make progress)
–Declutter/organize closet (shouldn’t take too long as I’ve been working at it in bits and pieces… and if I can get it done, then I’m finally going to be able to mark off Goal #5 as completed!)
–?????— I guess this is where the spontaneous fun comes in. I’m leaving time and options open to be able to do whatever I feel like at the moment… (or to simply do nothing if the mood strikes me!)
Sorry to hear your 13 in 13 were overwhelming you. But I’m glad to hear you’ve made some changes that have you re-energized! Good for you for finding a way to regroup and move forward.
~ Aby
–Grocery shop/errands–CHECK
–Clean — Does cleaning stuff OUT count? It was more decluttering that I did than actual cleaning. So… HALF CHECK?
–Declutter/organize closet -CHECK! Yay! I realized I probably should declutter one of my drawers too, before I could actually check off my goal… and that one didn’t get done, but the closet did… and it’s a small drawer. Hopefully I can get to it this week so I can really check off the goal!
–scrapbooking–CHECK (I ended up doing Project Life style scrapbooking, which was not originally what I had intended for this weekend, but it helped me make progress on one of my goals, so…. two birds!)
–?????— I guess this is where the spontaneous fun comes in. –CHECK… ended up being dinner with my uncle, aunt and cousins. Nice weekend.
Your post speaks to so many of us!
To do:
Replant front planters
Stain study chair
Plan/ work
Make Mother’s Day Cards
Make jewelry for communion present
Buy flowers for garden
Wholesale club
WW meeting
Crafting w/kids
Thanks, Kelley! Hope you had a great weekend!
~ Aby