I hope you all had a terrific weekend. For me, this weekend kind of took on a life of it’s own. I did a whole bunch of things not on my original list and did way more laundry than I had anticipated. It was nice—got lots done and did a bit of relaxing, too. Here’s my update:


  • Boot camp. Check! Sadly though there was no running this
    week, which I was banking on. So I’m a bit behind on my 43 mile goal for the
  • Go out with Jay. We decided on dinner out. It was delicious, relaxing and
  • Knit. I didn’t knit, but I did find a cute canvas bucket to
    hold my knitting stuff. (Does that count?)


  • Take the kids shopping. Check!
  • Organizing project. Check! Loads of fun.
  • Send thank you notes. I didn’t get to this, so here is my new goal:  have this checked off my list
    before this Friday’s Finish It Friday post.
  • Plan meals for the week and shop. Check and thanks Jay for
    shopping. 😉
  • Laundry. Okay…I did so much laundry this weekend. I even
    hand washed about six sweaters (which falls in the category of what was I thinking?) And then there were
    loads and loads of other laundry…and there’s still more to do. I think it
    just kept multiplying on me when I wasn’t looking. Does this ever happen to
  • Change over closet. This was an add-on to-do. I was really
    energetic and motivated when I got home from boot camp…and so I did the
    seasonal change out of my wardrobe. Nice to have that done.
  • Clean out the refrigerator. This is usually part of the Sunday
    grocery shopping…but last weekend we shopped on Friday and the cleanout
    didn’t happen. And then this Sunday the kids and I were gone after the grocery
    shopping (which is when we usually eat up the remaining left-overs from the week) so the clean out didn’t happen this week, either. This just shows how even the slightest change
    in routines can really throw off your organizing systems!

I think that about wraps it up for me. How was your weekend? Did you have loads of fun and get some stuff done, too. I hope so. Can’t wait to hear about it!

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