How to Take Charge of Your Weekend

Want to make next weekend a great one? Join me for my April 2016 Organize-athon. For just $19 you can spend the weekend tackling your organizing to-do list with the advice, ideas, and motivation of a veteran professional organizer! Get all the deets and secure your spot here >>>

If I had to come up with one word to describe my perfect weekend it would be restorative. Sometimes this means relaxing, unplugging, and spending quality time with family or friends. Other times it’s about making progress on a meaningful goal or project. Sometimes it’s a mix of both. Either way, when Sunday night rolls around I know it’s been a good weekend when I feel rejuvenated and ready to start the week ahead.

With my new work schedule, it’s more important to me than ever that I make the most out of those precious weekend days. But if Saturday and Sunday are filled with only the recurring, weekly household tasks like cleaning, laundry and running errands, when my weekend ends, I feel anything but restored. My current solution is to do more of the recurring tasks on weeknights so my weekend is open to more fulfilling possibilities. If this sounds like a good plan for you, here are some simple tasks to handle during the week, so your weekend stays open to bigger and better possibilities:

  • Cleaning. You could either do a full-blown cleaning one day (or evening) or tackle one area of your home (or one cleaning task) on a single day.
  • Meal planning. Developing a repertoire of simple weeknight meals makes meal planning a breeze and can help the rest of this plan fall into place.
  • Grocery shopping and / or other errands.  
  • Tossing in a few loads of laundry. For me, anything that lightens the weekend laundry load is a total win!
  • Paying bills.
  • Attending a workout class or two. This will up your energy level after a long day and make the rest of your evening more productive.  

So what’s the payoff? A weekend filled with wide open blocks of time where you can make progress on bigger projects such as organizing, decorating, or DIY, or go on a weekend getaway, or even relax and do nothing. This all comes without a nagging feeling that you should be doing something more productive. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

Here’s to a productive week ahead, and a restorative weekend next weekend.




P.S. Be sure to keep your eyes open for a new post from me on Wednesday! This post will contain details about an exciting, limited-time offer loaded with resources to help you simplify life at home. You won’t want to miss out, so mark your calendar or set a reminder to look for that important post on Wednesday!

P.P.S. Don’t forget to join me this coming weekend for the Spring 2016 Organize-athon! Snag your spot now >>>