Happy Monday! I hope you had a terrific weekend. Here’s how mine turned out:
- Run. Check! Seven miles in total this weekend. I’m off to a good-for-me start.
- Take photos for 30 days of gratitude. Check! And I did lots of thinking about the words. 🙂 Check back for the week 1 post on Thursday.
- In-home organizing appointment. Check! It was a great closet organizing appointment.
- Laundry. Check! Gosh, I did a lot of laundry this weekend. It felt like there was a load in process all day on Sunday!
- Plan meals + grocery shop. No check. Tonight is the night. 🙂
- Make progress on 28 day challenge. A really little check. I put away my very minimal Halloween decorations…which took less than five minutes. 🙂 But hey, every step forward is a step forward.
- Do some paperwork. Check. I spent quite a bit of time doing paperwork and planning the week ahead yesterday afternoon and evening. Nice way to start the week, with the planning already done. Yay!
How was your weekend?
Fix missing coat button, check other loose buttons – Progress. I can’t find a replacement button that came with the coat, so it looks like this is going to be come a bigger project of replacing all of the buttons.
Mix up bread dough for Tuesday night – Tonight
Clean bathroom and kitchen clutter – Done
Laundry – Done
Knitting project: new scarf cast-on – Done, though I want to count the stitches again – I think I may be off.
Go to the Roller Derby! – Really fun!
My weekend was nowhere near as accomplished! Being a guy… it was football time. 🙂
*laundry – DONE
*vacuum – Almost DONE, need to do bedrooms
*clean bathrooms – DONE
*clean kitchen – DONE
*change bed linens – DONE
*update calendar – DONE
*start working on Christmas exchange gifts list – Got my binder out and wrote in the names, so minimal work.
*tackle some of the 28 day challenge – Didn’t start
*take down Halloween decorations – DONE
*collect money and buy team gifts for soccer coaches – DONE
*pay bills – Doing this now
*last day of Soccer Saturday for my oldest two – FUN!
*soccer team party for my oldest son on Sat afternoon – FUN!
*birthday party for my nephew – FUN!
*reading time – Finished another book 🙂
*go to the movies on Sunday – FUN movie + lots of popcorn!
Congrats on all your success with your running goals lately, Aby and kudos to everyone who participated in FIF.
It was a busy weekend here, with several things accomplished, but I didn’t get to post on Friday 🙁
Maybe this Friday will be better!
well done Aby, especially on the little step for 28 days challenge.
My weekend felt super busy and thankfully I got most of my list checked off. Now for a busy week.
to do:
– rake up leaves and tody up flower beds ~ done and luckily before rain soaked the leaves.
– hopefully mow grass too if it stays dry long enough ~ done
– do a big online grocery shop (stock up)~ done
– get ready for busy week ahead ~ NOT DONE. DOING THIS TONIGHT
– research and hopefully purchase new child car seat ~ double done. Little girl loves her new seat and view of the journey.
– the gardening above counts as fun … it’s my relaxing treat~ 🙂 done
– go and see fireworks (guy fawkes night is here in the UK) ~ done sort of. we compromised on going to an actual event and stood in our loft room watching amazing displays…much quieter and calmer for little girl. We tried to teach her to coo and ahh over them.
28 day challenge ~ gas service and window cleaner booked. Now I need to do some action items myself.
I did good this weekend!
Unpacking from our trip was done in 20 minutes, a new record time. DH got almost all the laundry done ( I’m not allowed in the laundry room, I so things WRONG ).
Meal plan and grocery shopping – done but oh how boring meal planning is!
Gift wrapping – Done. Thank goodness.
Reading – finished one book and started on another. Had lots of time on the train.
Knitting – Making progress on my hat, I think I’ll get it all done this week.
This weekend, I was able to:
– Organize our family room
– Gathered all Christmas decors
– Had fun with the kids
– Bought some groceries and food supplies for the next week
– Started reading a book about management.
What do you think? I guess I need more exercise!