…so you know what that means: it’s time for some planning and some to-do list sharing. I hope you had a wonderful week and that you’re gearing up for a terrific weekend. What are your plans for the weekend? Here are mine:
- Boot camp. Check!
- Cross country meet. Yay, it’s cross country season again! Makes me so happy. 🙂 Check!
- Run 5 miles. I’m in week 3 of my half-marathon training. So far, so good. The blisters are under control, but I’m still getting used to my new running stride. I’m actually slower than before which is really frustrating, but I’m hoping that is just part of the “learning something new” process. Check!
- Dinner with Jay’s family. Check!
- Make hair appointment. Check!
- Sell flute and other items on Facebook / Craigslist. Check! I sold a bunch of stuff, but wow, it sure took a lot of my Saturday…so…no check on the next one. 🙁
- Finish painting chairs. Gosh this has been lingering for far too long. Wish me luck. 🙂 Not yet…
- Read. Check!
- Office organizing. I’m cleaning out files and updating my reference binders. Still on the to-do list.
Like I said, selling things on Facebook really was a big time investment. I have never spent so much time on Facebook in a single day in my life. It was an eye-opening experience. 🙂 But…I’m really happy to have the stuff I sold gone, gone, gone. Love the open space it created. 🙂 Hope you had a great weekend!
So that’s the plan! I’d love to hear what your plans are for the upcoming weekend. If you’ve been sitting on the Finish It Friday sidelines, why not join today?
Happy weekend!
Movie night with my big girls!
Swim- hope the hot weather stays so we get one last weekend at the pool
Try out some new recipes
Backup photos and upload for printing… it’s getting a little bogged down with too many pictures on my computer!
Clean the house. Much needed!
Plan out meals for September. This seems so overwhelming, but so does our after-school schedule for the month. I need to sit down and strategize.
Happy weekend to you!
High School dances for our daughter – getting her & friends there & back!
Enjoy some swimming and down time for our family – hectic back to school week!
Finish assembling recipe binder – almost there!
Register daughter for dance class
Complete one task from my list of unfinished projects!
Have a great weekend friends!
Happy Friday!
Aby ~ Slow and steady is just fine in my running book. 🙂 Good luck with your half marathon training. When is your race?
*Bed linens changed
*PTA documents updated + ready to print Monday morning(this one is top of my list as I have to go to school and print off 65 packets!)
*Vacuum my car – never got to this last weekend 🙁
*Meal plan + grocery list done
*New soccer cleats for my oldest son
*Evites sent for my oldest son’s birthday party
*Remind my DH to rehang the shelves in DD’s room after painting it
*Pizza + football night – Go Seahawks!
*Reading – going to start a new book this weekend 🙂
*YMCA workout – only made it 3 days this week
*Possibly go visit DH’s cousin and her family on Sunday.
*Laundry – DONE
*Bed linens changed – DONE
*PTA documents updated + ready to print Monday morning(this one is top of my list as I have to go to school and print off 65 packets!) – DONE but I need to put packets together tonight 🙂
*Vacuum my car – never got to this last weekend – DONE!
*Meal plan + grocery list done – DONE
*New soccer cleats for my oldest son – DONE
*Evites sent for my oldest son’s birthday party – DONE
*Remind my DH to rehang the shelves in DD’s room after painting it – DONE!
*Vacuum – DONE but it appears to need it again 🙁
*Pizza + football night – Go Seahawks! – FUN!
*Reading – going to start a new book this weekend – Started a book but didn’t get too far into it.
*YMCA workout – only made it 3 days this week – NO, didn’t get to it 🙁
*Possibly go visit DH’s cousin and her family on Sunday. – We skipped this as my DD spent the day with a former classmate and my oldest had flag football practice
finish painting a fence.(long over do);
Hope you ladies all had a great weekend! Thanks for joining me this week. 🙂