…so you know what that means:  it’s time for some planning and some to-do list sharing. I hope you had a wonderful week and that you’re gearing up for a terrific weekend. What are your plans for the weekend? Here are mine:

checklist simplify 101Fun

  • Boot camp. Check!
  • Cross country meet. Yay, it’s cross country season again! Makes me so happy. 🙂 Check!
  • Run 5 miles. I’m in week 3 of my half-marathon training. So far, so good. The blisters are under control, but I’m still getting used to my new running stride. I’m actually slower than before which is really frustrating, but I’m hoping that is just part of the “learning something new” process. Check!
  • Dinner with Jay’s family. Check!


  • Make hair appointment. Check!
  • Sell flute and other items on Facebook / Craigslist. Check! I sold a bunch of stuff, but wow, it sure took a lot of my Saturday…so…no check on the next one. 🙁
  • Finish painting chairs. Gosh this has been lingering for far too long. Wish me luck. 🙂 Not yet…
  • Read. Check! 
  • Office organizing. I’m cleaning out files and updating my reference binders. Still on the to-do list.

Like I said, selling things on Facebook really was a big time investment. I have never spent so much time on Facebook in a single day in my life. It was an eye-opening experience. 🙂 But…I’m really happy to have the stuff I sold gone, gone, gone. Love the open space it created. 🙂 Hope you had a great weekend!

So that’s the plan! I’d love to hear what your plans are for the upcoming weekend. If you’ve been sitting on the Finish It Friday sidelines, why not join today?

Happy weekend!
