Hello friends. It’s hard to believe that its Friday again already, isn’t it? And it’s hard to believe I haven’t blogged a bit since Monday. I intend to get back into the “regular” blogging groove again here soon. There’s been lots going on around here this summer. There’s been some really good and exciting stuff…like a new workshop (that I’ll be announcing very soon) as well as some other exciting changes we’ve been hard at work making happen. And there’s also been some challenging things I’ve been dealing with this summer. These haven’t been fun or exciting at all. Both of these things…the good stuff and the bad stuff…have kept my creative juices tied up in other places. So, this explains the rather lackluster blogging as of late.

But, I will be back.

I’m really excited to let you in on the exciting stuff that’s been going on…and I think I’m almost ready to give you some insight into the challenging stuff as well. But for now…it’s time to share our weekend to-do lists.

Thanks for hanging in there with me during this blogging dry-spell. And thanks for joining me in Finish It Friday. I think now, as much as ever, I’m in need of the friendly accountability I get from Finish It Friday. So thank you, thank you. 🙂 Alright…here’s what’s on tap for me…

simplify101 checklistFun

  • Boot camp. Oh dear, I haven’t been to boot camp in two weeks. I’m scared. Really. Scared. 😉 Wish me luck.
  • Read. I’m reading and enjoying a fun book right now called MWF seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend by Rachel Bertsche. It’s a humorous memoir—definitely my kind of book.
  • Movie night with friends.


  • Laundry. I’m in good shape here. And I love starting the weekend in good shape laundry-wise. Don’t you?
  • Plan next week’s meals. (And shop.) By the way, the two meals I tried last week (which are here and here) were both great. I’m planning to try a couple more new meals again this week.
  • Clean. Ugh. So not fun, right? Organizing, yes please. Cleaning, no thank you. But I’m going to try this for one of my least favorite cleaning tasks…cleaning the shower. Hope it works great and simplifies that task for me. That would be nice.
  • Start and finish an important writing project.

I’m going to leave my list at this and see what inspires me into action…or relaxation. How about you? Do you have a busy weekend planned? Thanks for sharing your to-do list! Have a great weekend.
