Hello friends. It’s hard to believe that its Friday again already, isn’t it? And it’s hard to believe I haven’t blogged a bit since Monday. I intend to get back into the “regular” blogging groove again here soon. There’s been lots going on around here this summer. There’s been some really good and exciting stuff…like a new workshop (that I’ll be announcing very soon) as well as some other exciting changes we’ve been hard at work making happen. And there’s also been some challenging things I’ve been dealing with this summer. These haven’t been fun or exciting at all. Both of these things…the good stuff and the bad stuff…have kept my creative juices tied up in other places. So, this explains the rather lackluster blogging as of late.
But, I will be back.
I’m really excited to let you in on the exciting stuff that’s been going on…and I think I’m almost ready to give you some insight into the challenging stuff as well. But for now…it’s time to share our weekend to-do lists.
Thanks for hanging in there with me during this blogging dry-spell. And thanks for joining me in Finish It Friday. I think now, as much as ever, I’m in need of the friendly accountability I get from Finish It Friday. So thank you, thank you. 🙂 Alright…here’s what’s on tap for me…
- Boot camp. Oh dear, I haven’t been to boot camp in two weeks. I’m scared. Really. Scared. 😉 Wish me luck.
- Read. I’m reading and enjoying a fun book right now called MWF seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend by Rachel Bertsche. It’s a humorous memoir—definitely my kind of book.
- Movie night with friends.
- Laundry. I’m in good shape here. And I love starting the weekend in good shape laundry-wise. Don’t you?
- Plan next week’s meals. (And shop.) By the way, the two meals I tried last week (which are here and here) were both great. I’m planning to try a couple more new meals again this week.
- Clean. Ugh. So not fun, right? Organizing, yes please. Cleaning, no thank you. But I’m going to try this for one of my least favorite cleaning tasks…cleaning the shower. Hope it works great and simplifies that task for me. That would be nice.
- Start and finish an important writing project.
I’m going to leave my list at this and see what inspires me into action…or relaxation. How about you? Do you have a busy weekend planned? Thanks for sharing your to-do list! Have a great weekend.
I plan on cleaning the house! I’m always amazed how a tiny two year old can turn it into a post twister scene in just a matter of hours 😉 Wish me luck!
– movie with my daughter
– BBQ with some friends
To Do:
– Laundry folded and put away
– Kitchen cleaned
– Kid’s old school papers sorted/recycled and put away
– Sand old shelves as prep for new coat of paint
We have a busy weekend so I think that is all I can possibly manage.
Ha, I just bought one of those dish cleaner thingies for my own shower (after seeing it on Pinterest) so I am going to try that out too. Bathrooms are my very least favourite part of the house to clean…
Aby – I read that same book and really enjoyed it!
I’m super excited to hear about your new workshop and sorry to hear about your challenges.
On my fun list:
-catch up with Project Life and possibly scrapbook a page
-take girls to end of summer reading party at the library
on my done list:
-meal plan/grocery shop/clean out fridge. It’s SO HOT that meal planning has gone out the window.
Today I get the pleasure of dealing with my employer, disability company and Dr.’s office for extending my time off from work. I love it how you go in for a pre-op appt and get told that recovery is 4-6 weeks and yet they only approve time off till my first post op appt where I get my stitches removed. Less than 24 hours after this appt my employer is already freaking out. The system works harder not smarter.
I also get to try and do laundry and have my husband put it away when he gets home.
Sunday my husband has the day off so now we get to go to puppy training classes together.
My husband wants to watch the olympics so I am sure we will be spending part of the night doing that.
Oh Aby, I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had some challenges lately. I hope things are on the upswing and you’ll be in my thoughts :). (And thanks for the recipe suggestions too!)
April – good luck with all the “negotiations”!
I’m feeling a tad bit overwhelmed as the “end” of summer looms – the last 4 weeks or so until school starts will fly by, and I need to get some plans in place so that things run as smoothly as possible.
*Family movie/pizza night
*Check out camping spots (I hope this is “fun”, because right now it feels more like a “to do”.)
*Plan Bible class curriculum for next 1-2 years
*Prep for/teach Bible class
*Homeschool grading
*Work on DS’s transcript
*Work with DS to submit online college application (early admission/dual credit)
*Set up printer at Mom’s house (this has been lingering for 2 weeks – really need to get it done!)
*Post picture to S101 Goals gallery (also lingering from last week)
There’s some other things on the to-do list, but if I can accomplish what’s listed here, the weekend will be a success 🙂
Happy Friday everyone!!!
*We have a bike trip planned … hopefully it is cool enough! 103 yesterday, high of 83 today:)
So we need to shop for water bottle holders for the bikes, snacks, and air up the tires!
*We also have to go back to the doctor this afternoon. My 6th grade daughter had her physical Tuesday and the doctor over looked giving her Tdap.
*Last summer Volleyball game tonight!
Laundry is done.. kept up with that during the week, miracle!
House is picked up… bribed the kids with dinner out:)
So that means dinner is done too!
Have a great weekend!
I hope your new thing you have been working on is an iPhone/iPad app:)
Oh I forgot to ask what organizational advise you have for the school lockers.
Thanks for the honesty- we’re all human, but sometimes I need to remember that nobody’s lives are perfect, and take the exciting with the challenging. Best of luck with the good and the bad!
This weekend’s fun is mixed up with work: throwing our annual summer birthday celebration for the kids. It will be a push to make food, clean house, decorate, pray for good weather, etc. etc. but it’s always nice to catch up with all the relatives. The next day will be filled with cleaning, cleaning, and hopefully some fun with the kids.
Thanks Lycia-
It is just frustrating to be at the mercy of others. The Dr’s office was sort of annoyed that it wasn’t even 3 business hours after my appt and they are asking for this information when they clearly stated initially that I would go back 4-6 weeks after surgery not 2 weeks as my employer was assuming despite being told otherwise.. Of course my surgeon is in SURGERY today till 2 so he cant sign said notice till later today..
The wheels on the bus go round and round..Right
Wow today is half over and I’m just getting to my post. Aby hope things get better soon. April hopefully you’ll get this worked out soon so you can recover without the worry and feel better soon.
Birthday party for my nephew
Bank/Library – Just did before I posted my list
Grocery store
Clean House
Pay bills
Submit insurance paperwork
Balance Checkbook
Make pasta salad, brownies and cookies for party tomorrow
Hope everyone has a great and productive weekend. See you on Monday! 🙂
Aby ~ Thanks so much for doing Finish-it Fridays! I love the accountability and feel like I really make an extra effort to get everything checked off. I’ve added your book to my queue at the library; sounds like a good read.
I’m heading out to pick up my kids from my mother tomorrow and then we are off to camp for 4 nights with my dad and step-mother.
One last load of laundry
Pack clothes
Pack camping gear into car
Bake cookies + zucchini bread for our trip
Cross off last of camping to-do list
Stop paper for next weekend
Watch openning ceremonies tonight!
Saturday am run
Hit the outlet mall on the way to meet my mother and the kiddos 🙂
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
One does need to put in a continuous effort to pursue blogging in a veritable sense to gain any degree of rapport with the readers.