Hello friends! Happy Friday to you! Are you ready to share your weekend to-do list? Here’s mine:


  • Boot camp. Call me nuts, but I was motivated to get ahead on my running for the 43 mile challenge (I’m at 30 so far!) just so I could go to boot camp on Saturday. I wonder how I will feel about this decision on Sunday morning. We shall see.
  • See Jen Run. Okay, I am sooooo excited for Jennifer. She has been training for her first marathon and Sunday is the big day! My friend Janine lives near to the race route…so I’m going to go hang out and knit with Janine…and go see Jennifer at the 10 mile mark. Fun, right? (If you get a chance, even if you don’t want to share your to-do list, please give Jennifer a shout-out in the comments today to wish her good luck on Sunday. Thanks!)
  • Pumpkin Farm. This is a maybe…depends on the weather on Saturday.


  • Laundry.
  • Get some yarn.
  • Declutter magazines.
  • Make progress on my kitchen “fall” cleaning.

I think that will keep me busy and give me lots of opportunities for some fun, too. What are your plans this weekend?

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