Happy Friday my friends! I hope you had a terrific week. It’s hard to believe that it’s already Friday again, isn’t it? It was another speedy week around here.
Are you ready to share your weekend to-do list? I hope so! It’s supposed to be a super nice fall weekend here. I’m excited…but I have quite a few indoor projects to finish up and work on…so I will add “spend time outside” to my play list. 🙂 Alright…here we go!
Play List:
- Movie night with friends. We’re going to go see The Help. Have you seen it and if so, what did you think?
- Boot camp.
- Spend some time outside.
To Finish:
- Finish laundry.
- Start + finish cleaning the house.
- Finish video for True Scrap. Are you going? It’s going to be great—I’m getting really excited! You can learn more (and sign up!) here. And if you sign up by today you get a chance to win some extra goodies—like a free pass to my Get Organized for the Holidays workshop. So if you know you’re going to sign up…do it today! 🙂
- Finish October checklist post. Look for that tomorrow!
- Enter donations in Its Deductible. This should take literally five minutes.
- Get a birthday gift for my brother.
- Get birthday gift for party this weekend.
- Work on a house project. I like to let inspiration be my guide…so we’ll see what I come up with off my master project list.
- Publish a Freebie Friday post. That’s right—check back later today for that. Woohoo!
Okay…there’s my list! What’s on your list this weekend? Thanks for sharing! Have a terrific weekend!
The HELP is fabulous! Of course I loved the book, but the movie is a wonderful representation of the book.
My Play List:
-make a scrapbook page (during nap time) The last time I scrapped was June 12, 2011.
My To Finish List
-fill prescriptions
-complete October spending plan
-update September spending plan worksheet
-complete powerpoint for church
have a great weekend! I’m so glad finish it friday is back!
Saw The Help last week — bring tissues! It will make you laugh and cry. It will sadden you to remind you the way ‘the help’ has treated.
This is my first time doing a Finish It Friday list. ALL of my to dos and errands have to get done today…procrastination!
Play List
-Going to the Fair
-Give my dog a bath
To Finish
-start and finish cleaning the bedroom
-Start reading a book for class
-Pick up paycheck from work
Wow it’s Friday again. The week sure went fast.
Scrapbook Page
To Finish:
Fill Prescription
Rita’s (stock up) – Last weekend open 🙁
Clean House
New Spigot for Kitchen – Hubby Project
Aby my girlfriend loved the movie and the book. She highly recommend seeing it. Hope you have a great time on girls night out.
Yeah, another Finish it Friday!
Laundry – caught up, folded + put away
Clean bathrooms
Dusting – never finished it this week
PTA committee work
Email – clean up in box and reply as needed
Purchase 2 birthday presents
Sweep garage + front porch
Weed garden + pull dead plants
Family movie + pizza night
Soccer Saturday – games + pictures
Pumpkin Patch family night on Saturday
Decorate for Fall/Halloween
Help my kids decide what they want to be for Halloween and start looking for costumes
Sunday am run
To Do: Clean the bathroom
Put up Halloween Decorations
Watch the LDS General Conference on BYUTV
Fun: Sleep In!!
Make some crafts
Loved “The Help” movie! I read the book when it first came out and have been waiting for the movie ever since – excellent book-to-movie film.
I’m working on my Finish Friday list – post later.
Loved The Help, but my sweetie said he was very bored!
Keeping it light this week:
Apple picking
Mini golf
To do:
No. 2’s birthday party
Fold and iron all laundry in my family room! (and put it away…)
Saw ‘The Help’ last week and really enjoyed it. Tissues are required! Starting on the book now.
I missed this yesterday but really need to get back in the habit up making to do lists again.
-make pages in my command binder of upcoming events and there to dos
-update calender
-finish up fall/halloween decor around house
-call for oil change
-menu plan and grocery shopping
Ok now to put this on my Board and get some stuff done. 🙂
(I tried to post this on Friday, but just realized I didn’t do the final “confirmation” step.)
My husband and I saw The Help a couple of weeks ago. It was very good. I think you’ll really enjoy it!
I got lots of stuff done yesterday so feel like I’m in pretty good shape for the weekend. Hopefully, my list isn’t too ambitious 🙂
*First day of soccer! Youngest son is refereeing and playing, so it will be a full day
*Family pizza/movie night
*Bake some special treats
*Routines class pre-work assignment 🙂
*prepare for soccer weekend (clean out car, etc)
*wipe out fridge
*finish laundry
*clean off top of washer & dryer
*make progress on financial paperwork (1 hr)
*church attendance roster
*mail bday card to friend
*grade DS writing assignment
*prepare for 4H meeting on Monday
*design cover & add clipart to homeschool directory