Happy Friday to you! It’s time to get organized for the weekend and share our finish it Friday to-do lists. If you haven’t played along before, jump into the fun this weekend! It’s simple, and it will help you have more fun and get more done. Okay…I’ll go first. 😉

Play List

  • Boot camp. Check! Really, that’s not a typo; I went to boot camp last night. I have a wedding shower to go to on Saturday morning and I didn’t want to miss out on boot camp completely this week…so I went last night. It was my first 8 PM boot camp, and I must say my body wasn’t real receptive to the idea of working out that hard that late in the day. But…we did it!
  • Wedding shower. (Get bagels, wrap gift and go.)
  • True Scrap. I’m so excited. My interview / Q+A session is today at 1 PM eastern / noon central. If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time. Go to the True Scrap website to learn more. (Choose the all-access pass PLUS full replays to get in on yesterday’s events, too.)
  • Take some photos. I started a photography class on Tuesday…and I have some homework. Yay!

To do list To Finish

  • Finish spring clean-out in my daughter’s room. (It’s ba-ack.)
  • Start + finish laundry.
  • Plan weekly meals + make grocery list.
  • Clean.
  • Make more decisions about summer camps.

Okay, now it’s your turn. What’s on your to-do list this weekend? Have a great one!