Happy Friday to you! It’s time to get organized for the weekend and share our finish it Friday to-do lists. If you haven’t played along before, jump into the fun this weekend! It’s simple, and it will help you have more fun and get more done. Okay…I’ll go first. 😉
Play List
- Boot camp. Check! Really, that’s not a typo; I went to boot camp last night. I have a wedding shower to go to on Saturday morning and I didn’t want to miss out on boot camp completely this week…so I went last night. It was my first 8 PM boot camp, and I must say my body wasn’t real receptive to the idea of working out that hard that late in the day. But…we did it!
- Wedding shower. (Get bagels, wrap gift and go.)
- True Scrap. I’m so excited. My interview / Q+A session is today at 1 PM eastern / noon central. If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time. Go to the True Scrap website to learn more. (Choose the all-access pass PLUS full replays to get in on yesterday’s events, too.)
- Take some photos. I started a photography class on Tuesday…and I have some homework. Yay!
To Finish
- Finish spring clean-out in my daughter’s room. (It’s ba-ack.)
- Start + finish laundry.
- Plan weekly meals + make grocery list.
- Clean.
- Make more decisions about summer camps.
Okay, now it’s your turn. What’s on your to-do list this weekend? Have a great one!
1. Laundry
2. Clean house
3. Finish decluttering
4. Finish desk chair? This is tentative because I had to special order some supplies. If I don’t receive it in time, this will have to wait.
5. Make progress on Spring Cleaning List. I know I can’t finish this list but I’d like to cross off at least two items!
1. Have lunch with an out-of-town friend
2. Make sushi at home
3. Spend some time relaxing with my family
Print Shower Invites
Return Library Books
Send Invites for Quarter Auction
Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend!
Work Outside
Put Clean Laundry Away
Empty remodeled bedroom of all tools & project supplies in order to prep for carpet.
Haircuts for everyone in the house!
Work in the veggie garden.
Game Night w/ the Fam!
Watch A Movie w/ my Hubby!
Upload & edit new pictures off camera.
To Do:
*take DH for medical procedure
*check on cell booster
*clean out purse
*shop for baby shower gift
*communion prep
*lesson plans
*menus (1 week)
*finish laundry
*put screen protector on iPhone
*watch writing video
*bookkeeping (1 hr)
*pay bills
*set up new EHD
*research Mac financial software (again!)
*write announcements for paper (3)
*type up minutes from meeting
*write thank you letter
*make breakfast sandwiches
*register for 4H Roundup
*family pizza night
*decide on scrapbooking class
(As I type this, I realize the list is pretty lopsided and probably way too ambitious. However, accountability always helps, so we’ll see what happens by Monday!)
Walk out at the lake
Make appointment to look at new house
Master bedroom closet (I’m so close!)
Make summer schedule, fill applications for programs
Clean daughter’s room