Hello friends! Happy Friday to you! I hope you’ve had a great week. It’s been a wild one around here. We are back from Michigan safe and sound, and digging back in to life at home. Isn’t it funny how being away can throw you out of whack—even if you’re only gone for a little while? Because of that, for me this weekend will be about getting back on track. Here’s what’s on my fun + done lists for the weekend.


  • Boot camp.
  • Visit with my niece and nephews.


  • Catch up on laundry.
  • Clean the house.
  • Do some simplify 101 stuff.

I just scanned my master project list…and nothing is grabbing my interest as “the project” to work on this weekend. It’s too hot to paint the chairs, and really, I think it’s too hot to do much of anything (except scrapbook. 😉 ) So…I’m just going to put the must-dos on my lists this weekend, and let inspiration be my guide from there.

What’s on your fun + done list this weekend? I hope you have a great one. As always, thanks for joining me for Finish It Friday!
