Happy Friday my friends! It was another super-speedy week around here, but alas it is time to share our to-do lists for the weekend! I hope you’ll join the fun this week, especially if you’ve been sitting on the Finish It Friday sidelines so far. You just don’t know what you’re missing out on until you give it a try. 🙂

I’m happy to report that my weeknight laundry thing is going well. As of writing this post (Thursday evening) I’m at almost-empty-hamper-status. What a nice way to start the weekend! No cleaning planned, and just a little bit of laundry. I think I will just do a load a day this week. I actually got to total-empty-hamper-status sometime during the week. So I think this weeknight laundry thing just might work. Hooray! Alright…on to my lists.

Checklist copyright simplify101Play List

  • Go to Kailea’s basketball game.
  • Go for a run. I can’t go to boot camp because it’s the same time as the basketball game. So a run will have to do this weekend.
  • Watch the Super Bowl.

To Finish

  • Finish going through business files in my desk.
  • Take photos for blog posts next week.
  • Research paint for “new” chairs. Take 2 on this one!
  • Plan weekly meals.
  • Make a Trader Joe’s run! I have a client near a Trader Joe’s today – love it when that happens.
  • Pinterest to-do:  I haven’t decided exactly which one I’m going to do this weekend. My choices are to either clean my make-up brushes using the technique in this pin or play with my new Smash book (which I discovered on Pinterest via this pin). Maybe I’ll do a bit of both, as choosing between cleaning or playing could be tough. (Totally kidding.)

Alright—it’s your turn now! Who is joining me this week? Can’t wait to find out what you’ll be up to and hear about your progress on Monday! Thanks for joining in. 🙂

Happy Friday!
