Happy Friday my friends! I hope you had a fantastic week. Are you ready for the weekend? I think I am. I know for sure I’m ready to make some weekend plans. If you are, too, join me for this week’s edition of Finish It Friday by posting your weekend to-do list in the comments. It’s a fun way to make the most of the weekend ahead.
Here’s what’s on tap for me…
Play List:
- Birthday party! Since it’s a sleepover, I’ll be taking the week off of boot camp. I think my muscles stopped hurting from last week’s boot camp around Wednesday…so maybe a week off will be good. LOL.
- Get Christmas tree + decorate it.
- Knit. (I’ll share more details about this project in an upcoming post.)
- Make a batch of hot chocolate. (Ditto.)
To Finish:
- Finish final preparations for birthday party.
- Laundry.
- Clean house. We did about half of the weekly cleaning last night. Will do the rest this afternoon before the party begins.
- Decide on appetizer for next weekend’s neighborhood party. If you have any suggestions for things you love to take to a get-together, I’d love to hear them! Thanks.
- Wrap some Christmas and birthday gifts.
- Review holiday master list…and make plans for the upcoming week.
Whew—I’ve got a busy weekend ahead! I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for sharing your to-do list in the comments!
Happy Birthday to your daughter!!! Sounds like a fun evening with the girls! Well I’ve already started on my list and have accomplished a few things – Yeah!
Saturday baking sugar cookies with my BF
Sunday – getting together with my niece and nephew to celebrate my birthday
Pay Bills/Balance Checkbook – Finished This Morning
Scheduled Lunch with Girlfriend for her birthday- Done
Wrap Birthday Gift – Done
Clean out year end filing cabinet – making progress
Straighten up house
Have a great weekend!
Pictures with Santa
Christmas shopping with the sig. other
To do:
Unpack from moving.
Sort my pantry and fridge
Get ready for next week!
Make monthly budget
After a frustrating couple days where I had no energy, I’m happy to have found some today and am now looking forward to the weekend. Got most of our holiday decor up today – woohoo!
– scrapbook a few gifts
– take a bath
– village Christmas Tree lighting
– train ride to get our tree
– finish holiday decorating
– clean garage
– use food I bought to cook some meals
Happy Birthday to your daughter, Aby! Good luck with the slumber party!
Clean upstairs bathrooms
Sweep + mop kitchen floor
Upstairs dusting
Laundry – washed, folded + put away
Clean up email in-box
Finish up some cyber shopping
Shred documents – I’ve gotten behind on this
Birthday present shopping
Soccer Academy for my oldest two on Friday night
Family movie + pizza night
Saturday am run
Ornament exchange party
Family movie on Sunday afternoon?
Listen to holiday music and do some holiday crafts
So glad it’s friday.. the week after a long weekend is always soooo hectic…
Happy Birthday to your daughter!
1. Watching my granddaughter for the entire day Saturday.. we’re going to put up the inside Christmas decorations.. don’t know how much we’ll get done but it should be fun with a 4 year old
2. Keep making progress on my scanning.. but I think I’ve finally conceded that it will not be done by the end of the year.. new goal is 1st quarter of 2012
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…)
2. Laundry
3. Food Shopping
4. Finish up outside Christmas lights (had to replace a few strands)
5. Need to finish organizing my Christmas to do list so I can relax and enjoy the holidays
Have a productive weekend everyone…