Happy Friday my Finish It Friday friends! Did you have a good week? I hope so!

Around here, school gets out three weeks from yesterday. It’s hard to believe that summer is approaching so quickly! Since our schedules will be changing, I’ve decided it’s a good time to take a break from Finish It Friday. This will allow me to focus my blogging time on other topics. I will do Finish it Friday posts for today and the next two Fridays…and then…wow, it will be summer and time for something new! 🙂

This weekend I’m going to use the same approach I used last weekend and do just the basics…and let my inspiration be my guide for everything else. I felt super motivated and productive last weekend, so it makes sense to do again what worked before, right? So here’s my list (which looks a lot like last weekend’s list. This is another reason it’s time for a little Finish It Friday break.)

Play List

  • Boot camp
  • Anniversary dinner out – yay!

To do list To Finish

  • Laundry.
  • Cleaning.
  • Plan meals for the week.

So that’s what I’ll be up to. How about you? What’s on your to-do list this weekend? Thanks for sharing! I look forward to hearing from you. Have a terrific weekend…filled with lots of fun and done. 🙂