Hello my Finish It Friday friends! Are you ready for an fun and productive weekend? If you’re new to my blog, each week I set up a Finish It Friday post where I share my to-do list and encourage you to share yours. When you go public with your to-do list you’ll be amazed at how motivated you are to get things done! Make sure your weekend to-do list also includes something fun. We like to call this your “play list.”
So do you want to join the fun this week? We’d love to hear from you! I’ll get things started with my list.
Play List:
- Boot Camp. Yay, I can go this week!
- Get together with friends. And beforehand, figure out a snack to make.
- Go to Kailea’s basketball game.
To Finish:
- Laundry. I’ve been doing a load a day all week, so this should be a really manageable task this week. Hooray!
- Continue with paper projects in my office. I need to add binder tabs to binder Number 3 and other stuff like that.
- Calcium research. I went to the doctor this week and was reminded that I need to get more calcium. So, I’ve got to put together a plan!
- Check out mint.com. Do you use mint.com or any other online financial website? If you have any thoughts or recommendations, I’d love to hear from you. Thanks! I’m just going to check things out this weekend…don’t plan to dive all the way in yet. So if you have any thoughts or advice, please share!
- Attend a basketball meeting.
- Plan weekly meals.
- Research paint for “new” chairs. I’ve got a new DIY project in my future in the form of some chairs I found on Craigslist. Step one this weekend is to figure out what color to paint them.
- Pinterest to-do: Make Martha’s tub scrub. Okay, so I love Pinterest and collecting inspiring photos and project ideas. I have a project ideas board…and it has 213 pins! That means I have 213 projects that I’m considering doing! And this doesn’t even count my board called Things to Do Soon (which has 54 pins) or my scrapbook ideas board (69 pins) or my knitting board (9 pins). If you’re doing the math…that’s 345 pins that represent potential projects…things I’d love to do. Holy smokes! No wonder I’m having trouble sleeping—my want-to-do list is spiraling out of control! It’s time to pin (just a bit) less and start making a concerted effort to do some of those super fun projects that I’m pinning. Want to join me? If so, just add at least one item to your to-do list this week that you found on Pinterest!
Okay…clearly I need to go get busy. Have a great weekend my friends! Thanks, as always, for joining me for Finish It Friday!
Despite the length of this list, I’m actually looking to a more relaxing weekend than we’ve had in a while 🙂 Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
*Take a walk
*Family movie/pizza night
*Online classes (Goals, Time, Roundup)
*Play with photos/scrapbooking
*Work on jigsaw puzzle
*Lesson plans
*Clear tickler file
*Bookkeeping – 1 hr
*Prepare for Bible class
*Write out at least 2 goals
*Monthly calendar
*Work on email
*Declutter in daughter’s room
*Plan menus & make grocery list for the week
*Set up new EHD
Thank you for keeping me motivated! I posted this idea last week and got SO much done so I could come back on Monday and report back what was done. Not sure if everyone else enjoyed it, but it helped me be productive.
As for Mint.com, I do like using this service. It doesn’t have the most reliable customer service though – sometimes connections are lost between it and the financial services it pulls info from and then your budget is kind of messed up until they figure out how to fix it. But they do have reminders now so you get an email when an automatically deducted bill will be coming due. It’s a neat idea and has helped keep my finances organized.
I can’t believe it’s Friday! The week was a whirlwind.
Scentzy Party Tonight w/GF
Pizza Night
To Do:
Balance Checkbook
Pay Bills
Clean House
Barnes and Noble Order
Grocery Shopping/Meal Plan
Hope everyone has a fun and productive weekend.
Woo Hoo to the weekend!! I always look forward to posting my Finish-It Friday list because it keeps me productive. 🙂
Laundry – it’s all caught up(!), so just towels + sheets this weekend
Clean bathrooms
Sweep front porch
Finish organizing + purging the linen closet
Update family calendar
Turn in DD’s presale Girl Scout cookie order form
Pizza + movie night
Birthday party for my DD to attend
DD’s basketball game on Sat
DS1 attending a sleepover party on Sat night
DD + DS2 going to kids night out at our Y on Sat so I can have a date night with my husband 🙂
Sunday am run
Target trip
My 1st Finish It Friday post!
*scrapbook @ friend’s house
*host fundraiser w/RFL team
*watch son’s basketball game
*celebrate grandmother/great-grandmother’s 101st birthday!!!
To Do:
*laundry – mostly folding & put away along w/a load of towels
*clean – spot cleaning…the deep clean will be next weekend!
*make progress on Org 101 class
*shopping/returns – need to spend my Kohl’s Cash!
*menu plan/grocery shop
*update kids’ school & activity calendars
*catch up on paperwork – planning for this weekend’s charity event has caused me to fall behind
I love this weekly post ~ it’s usually my first signal that it’s the weekend right around the corner, and it always comes as a surprise that it’s friday already! LOL
* my best friend is coming to stay with her new baby too… cannot wait to see the two bubs together
* planning a trip to V&A museum for tomorrow
* baby swimming on Sunday again… hubby now home so it’s his turn to take her and I hope to get a lie in at last!
to do
* laundry ~ hubby unpacked a week’s worth this morning, starting catch up this evening
* send thank you notes for a few baby gifts that came in this week
* grocery shopping order online for delivery early next week
keeping it short this weekend so can have lots of time for fun items
Wow! Everyone has so much planned!
1. Finish two lessons in my Photo Organizing Class
2. Pick up my daughter, DIL & grandaughter at the airport.. they’re coming home from Disney can’t wait to hear about their vacation
3. Attend Grand Opening at the music school’s new studio and take photos for the paper
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…)
2. Food Shopping
3. Finish cleaning the laundry room
4. Finish up replacing fringe on an afghan for new great-neice
5. Finish up the second shelf of scanning.. one of my 2012 goals is to do 2 shelves a month so I’ll be finished march-april :-)..so far so good
6. List some more things on Ebay.. everything I listed earlier in the week sold.. so excited! IPhone here I come LOL
Have a fun, productive weekend everyone
Hi! Thanks for your wonderful blog and newsletters. Very motivating to say the least! Regarding financial software, I used Mint.com, Quicken, etc. etc. for years but it never really helped me because I was always accounting for money spent. About 18 months ago I started with mvelopes.com and it has changed my life. It allows me to decide where to put my money and then all decisions are based on how much money each category has…ie: if the take out envelope doesn’t have any money in it, the decision is made, no takeout! It really is a great tool for me as it makes decision making very straight forward and allows me to plan for future expenses. Good luck!!
Here’s a “twirl” from Digitwirl re: managing finances, etc. online.
I’m in!
To Play:
1. Watch my kids play basketball, soccer and volleyball! Always fun!
2. Play with friends Saturday night after my son’s basketball game.
To Finish:
1. Paint the laundry room so we can install counter top and finish it up!
2. Laundry.
3. Finish paperwork for work.
4. Pay bills and clean up budget.
Let the games begin!
I forgot to add that I currently have been trying Mint.com. Not sure how I like it. I haven’t had the time to really explore all of the features.
I also pay to have monthly access to Daveramsey.com. There is a budgeting program (called Gazelle budget) available on his site that has just been upgraded to a new user friendly interface. I am thinking about trying it again to see how it goes.
I have tried Pearbudget in the past and was pleased enough, but it just didn’t have the same user friendly interface the Mint, or the new Gazelle budget, seem to have.
Good luck with your search! I’m eager to hear what you find and how you use it!
Well the weekend is mostly done so I’ll just go with what is left to do / play:
To Do:
Menu planning
Order gift for brother’s bday
mail two cards
out to friend’s tonight with family
Church tomorrow – Son is serving for the first time
Celebrate my bday tomorrow
Go to brother’s for a party
I just started following you and I think this is a great blog. I have been using mint for the last 3 years. I learned about it from Ramit Sethi at iwillteachyoutoberich.com. My husband (not at the time) was really unsure about it and did a ton of research to make sure it was secure and all. Since some of my banks (like Direct Loans and sharebuilder) have done some updating, they won’t load all of the transactions all of the time. But we use it now together for budget and to keep track of finances. I am sure there are new ones, and improved ones, out there, but I love Mint and don’t want to switch! (plus I would loose all of the data from the last 3 years!)
Hope this helps!
For budget purposes I prefer pear budget I had issues with mint synching with a few accounts plus I didn’t like the ads
Cool all dear!!!
This looks like a great resource.I’m very interesting to read your blog. Thanks for posting this.