Happy Friday friends! I hope you had a great week. I’ve been immersed in working on my new class The Secrets of Staying Organized. It’s nice to come up for air today and check in with everyone. I hope you’ve had a great week! Summer break also started on Wednesday for my kids, which means new schedules and new routines. But I feel like we’re off to a good start. Yay!

I have an ambitious to-do list this weekend, but it is a 3-day weekend, so we’ll see if I can pull it off. And if not, no worries. Most of these items are not time sensitive…so there really is no pressure to get it all done. Which is nice. Here’s my list:

checklist simplify 101Fun

  • Run in a 5K tomorrow morning. I’m running in the same race as my very first 5K ever…oh so many years ago. (7 years ago! I just did the math. Wow.) Anyway…I think it will be fun to run this race again and this year Kailea will be running, too. Extra fun. 🙂 Check! Once again, I was passed by a stroller pushing mom and a dad pushing not one, but two kiddos in a stroller! But there was some consolation this time:  1) The mom is a boot camp instructor at the Y. (Remember the pregnant lady who kicked my booty in boot camp? Yep, that’s the one.) 2) The dad just ran a half marathon and was my daughter’s cross country coach, so let’s just say he’s a really good runner. 3) Despite getting passed by all these stroller pushing parents, I got my personal best time at a race. (Yay!) So I’m really pleased with how it all turned out. So fun. Can’t wait for my next race! 🙂  
  • Pick up race packet tonight. Check!
  • Farmer’s market. (Maybe – we’ll see how fun that sounds after running.) Check!  
  • Paint front porch chair. Nope. The weather was iffy…and other stuff sounded more fun.  
  • Do some organizing in my basement. Check!
  • Plant some flowers. Check! Jay deserves the actual check…but I did help pick them out. 😉


  • Download photos and edit. By the way, I finished up my Project Life pages for the weeks I had printed last weekend. Oh I love that part! So fun. 1/2 check. I downloaded photos…but didn’t do any editing. Seems like there’s a lot of rain in the forecast this week…so I’ll do some editing this week in the evenings. 
  • Make appointment with eye doctor. Check!
  • Write / send thank you notes. Not yet…
  • Make salad and cupcakes. It’s my father-in-law’s birthday this weekend, so we will be celebrating (with salad and cupcakes, LOL.) Check! 
  • Plan weekly meals + shop. Check! 
  • Laundry. Check!
  • Make candles. And get the stuff necessary to do so. Check!
  • Go to the Post Office. Check!
  • Go to the bank. Check!
  • Do some weeding / yard work. Check! 

This might be my longest Finish It Friday list ever! Wish me luck, and best of luck with your list, too. Hope you have a great weekend. I look forward to reading all about your plans and accomplishments in the comments. See you back here on Tuesday. 🙂

It was a really fun weekend – loved having that extra day! Hope you had a great one, too!
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