Happy Monday morning! How was your weekend? Here’s a quick update on mine…
- Boot camp. Ouch! Errr….I mean check!
- Basketball game. Check! Very exciting game, but we lost by 2.
- Set December fitness goal. I’m remembering why I stopped going to boot camp while I was trying to hit mileage goals in running. Doing both was a bit too much for the muscles. I’ve decided that I’m not going to set a specific mileage goal in December so I can handle boot camp a bit better. My December fitness goal is to run or go to boot camp three times per week. (Long way of saying: check!)
- Laundry. Check!
- Plan meals for the week. Check!
- Holiday preparation. Planning Kailea’s birthday celebration counts as holiday prep around here…so I get a nice little check mark on this one, too!
- Make progress on a simplify 101 project. Check, check, check! Spent lots of time on this over the weekend…
- Get a birthday gift for my sister. Check!
- Return socks. Check! Okay…so the alarm did not go off when we walked back into the store…which explains how we got out of the store with the security thingies attached to the socks. What’s more is that nobody wondered why we were returning the socks and didn’t seem at all concerned that the socks still had the security thingies attached. It seems there are a few flaws in that particular security system, but hey, I got a check mark. That’s what really counts, right? 😉
How was your weekend?
hi all
had a very relaxing weekend all in all
more done
1. quick photo print purchase ~ CHECK
2. finish sorting photos from last order ~ CHECK. Looking forward to a quiet evening on my own tonight to start filling the album
3. laundry ~ CHECK but there is now a new pile to do LOL
4. ironing ~ OOPS. Plan to remedy this during the week
more fun:
1. all the grandparents here tomorrow ~ CHECK
2. start my December Daily album with taking a photo or two and writing intro ~ PART CHECK, still have to write the intro but am keeping up with photos and notes
3. movie with hubby ~ CHECK
happy week ahead everyone
*Hear DS play in Christmas concert – CHECK!
*DH’s bday celebration – CHECK!
*Spend time with family – CHECK!
*Christmas shopping…Christmas shopping…more Christmas shopping – CHECK, CHECK, CHECK!
*Bake cake, cook dinner, wrap gift for party – CHECK!
*Prep for Bible class – CHECK!
*Weekly planning – CHECK!
Thanks for the FIF post & follow-up Aby 🙂