Happy Monday my friends! How was your weekend? I hope it was filled with lots of fun and some getting things done. Mine was a nice mix. Hereβs the update:
- Run. My goal was 6-1/2 miles for the weekendβ¦but I ran 8! Hooray.
- Girls Night In and Wine Night. Check! Both were lots of fun and relaxing, too. Just right.
- Knit. Check!
- Take photos for 30 Days of Gratitude. Not yet. On the list for this week.
- Baby Shower. Check!
- Pick up bagels for baby shower. Check!
- Wrap a birthday gift. Kailea wanted to do this. So that was an easy check! π
- Plan weekly meals and shop. Check!
- Laundry. A check for progress.
- Make progress on 28 day challenge. Check! This was the big one. After the baby shower (and before wine night) on Saturday I washed the windows inside and out. I love it when that is done.
It was a nice weekend. I hope your was, too. Let me know all about it in the comments.
I did pretty good this weekend even though I spent most of Sunday in bed. But boy was it an exhausting Saturday!
-Grocery shopping. A lot this week but I got a lot of other errands done on the same go. Good since I really don’t like shops.
-Baking. A lot to do for DS birthday on Tuesday. Got four different batches of cookies and some muffins done so I’m set. Think I will order the cake from the bakery though.
-Gift wrapping. For christmas this time. Got all of the gifts that are bought done!
-Christmas planning. At least get a bit on the way with this. I got far! My lists are done and my weekly plan so so far so good π
– TaizΓ© Mass in church on Sunday and singing practice before that. That didn’t happen since I was ill. Really a pity since I had looked forward to it.
– Knitting. I haven’t had time to finish my hat this week as I thought so I want to get it done. It is done! And I started a new project today, a scarf this time π
– Watching Downton Abbey. Saw the last episode on Saturday night and can’t wait until the new series!
-Read. As always, it is my addiction. Spent a lot of time Sunday reading in bed when I didn’t sleep.
*Family movie/pizza night – DONE!
*Set up another recipe binder (for tried & true recipes) – no
*Catch up in Holiday class – no, but I did post in the Goals class (after a 3 week absence)
*Project Life & P365 – photos taken but no scrapbooking
*Clean storage building. We won’t get it completely done, but can probably make some serious progress. – DONE! (Getting this done makes up for anything else I lacked doing this weekend!!!)
*Continue progress on bookkeeping backlog (Aby, if you offer a class in this area, I’ll be one of the first to sign up.) – DONE!
*Prep for/teach Bible class – DONE!
*Weekly planning – DONE!
*Check homeschool work & prepare lesson plans for next week – DONE!
*4H work (emails, write checks, etc) – no
As a bonus, my youngest son & I volunteered with our local food bank on Saturday, distributing Thanksgiving boxes π
A busy week led to a busy weekend so my list is more unchecked than checked
more fun
– professional photo shoot to get some family portraits ~ BIG CHECK AND IT WAS SOOOO MUCH FUN
– enjoy the fall ~ get outdoors in the sunshine ~ SADLY NO π
– start making December Daily album blank pages ~ ANOTHER NO ~ WANTED TO WORK ON IT TONIGHT BUT RAN OUT OF TIME
– look at assembling tools to try my hand at embroidery stitching ~ CHECK AND NOW I HAVE A SHOPPING LIST
more done
– clean light fittings (28 day challenge)~ NOT YET, FOR THIS WEEK
– bulk photo print order ~ DONE, TOOK A LOT MORE TIME THAN I PLANNED
– linen laundry ~ HALF DONE, STILL GOING TODAY
– pick up yet more leaves! ~ NOT DONE, WEATHER INTERUPTED US
To do:
*Write thank yous – Not done
*Put away items from party – Most of it is done
*Meal plan/grocery shop – DONE
*yardwork – DONE
*clean – Most of it was completed
*Watch a movie with the hubby – DONE
*Take a walk outside – DONE
*Go to craft fair – DONE
Have a great weekend everyone!
Night at the Races Date Night with hubby π
Scrap something π never got to this one
Read π
Pick up and return friend of DS#2 π
Visit with niece and great nephew π π
Pick up free weight bench π
take down MIL’s computer π
Rearrange now empty space where that was π π
Dust/Mop/Vacuum π π 2 out of 3 π
Sheets and laundry π
Cook dinner π
Dr appt π
Cook more dinner π and maybe some lunch too π π
Very productive yet short weekend.
Realized a bit ago I never did come back to check off my list! Better late than never, right?!
*laundry -DONE
*vacuum – upstairs and down – DONE
*vacuum out my car – Not done
*clean bathrooms – DONE
*dusting – DONE
*clean kitchen – DONE
*change bed linens – DONE
*clean up email in-box – DONE
*work on Christmas shopping + gift ideas – sorta
*sweep front porch – DONE
*decide what to bake for 2 PTA events next week – DONE
*last soccer game for my youngest – FUN!
*soccer team party for my youngest – FUN!
*birthday present to buy – DONE
*reading – DONE, finished my book π
*something fun as a family on Sunday afternoon – FUN, had a great family lunch out!
*watch a movie or two from our library holds – Watched one of our movies
*attend a friend’s surprise 40th birthday dinner – Had to miss this as my husband got home from work way late. Oh well, it happens…