Hello friends. This weekend took on a mood much different than what I had anticipated when I posted my to-do list on Friday morning. At that time, I hadn’t yet heard about the horror that was taking place in Connecticut.
My heart was heavy all weekend, as it still is today. I spent a lot of time glued to the T.V., feeling compassion, sympathy, and heartbreak for the people directly impacted. There is no way to make sense of it, nor are there words that can adequately express the feelings we are all feeling at this time. And so, I will leave it at that, and move on to the check-in portion of this post.
- Boot camp. I skipped boot camp this week, and opted to run instead. I ran 3.2 miles on Saturday…it was just what I needed.
- Neighborhood Christmas party. Check!
- Pack and ship Christmas gifts. Check!
- Plan meals and shop. Check!
- Laundry. Check!
- Work on simplify 101 project. Check!
- Tie up loose ends for Christmas. My original intent was to do a final check of the to-do and a general sanity check to be sure I’ll be ready in time. Essentially, I didn’t tie up the loose ends, but figured out what loose ends need to be tied up before the 25th. So—check!
How did your weekend turn out? Thanks for joining me for Finish It Friday.
so much sadness felt here too…
My weekend plans went a little awry due to hubby coming down with flu (yet another bug in the house)
1. christmas cards ~ NOT DONE … TONIGHT!
2. check off present list and think about last few items to get ~ DONE
3. plan meals for the coming three weeks and do a food order ~ HALF DONE, FINISHING TONIGHT
4. take bags of things I’m regifting to the charity store ~ DONE
5. haircut ~ DONE
6. get hubby’s birthday gift organised ~ CHECK BUT I DID IT TODAY
7. make guest room ready for next week ~ HALF DONE
8. clear ironing pile to make space ~ DONE MARATHON 8 HRS IN TOTAL
9. get christmas decorations out of storage and check if we have any non breakable items for the tree…and if not, go shopping for some (toddler in the house means glass baubles go in storage for a few years ~ sigh) ~ NOT DONE. FOR LATER THIS WEEK
1. toddler theatre show for baby girl’s christmas treat ~ DONE, MAGICAL AFTERNOON
One of my more productive weekends. Didn’t finish everything, but made good progress!
*Cleaning (been slacking on that. Kept up on the clutter, but the cleaning has suffered)–3/4 of a check. Still have one room to do.
*Finish Christmas shopping (Sooo close to being done… just a few more stocking stuffers to go!)–Check!
*Grocery shopping–Check!
*Wrap Christmas presents! (My favorite part!)–Check
*Writing– didn’t get to this one. Maybe I can spend some time at work tonight working on this (the benefits of working a graveyard shift)
*Couple of movies my sister rented that I want to see.–Check… and well worth the time. Good movies!
*Laundry ~ All caught up, just need to stay current – DONE
*Clean bathrooms – DONE
*Vacuum – DONE
*Dusting – DONE
*Change bed linens – DONE
*Clean kitchen, including the floors – DONE
*Clean/purge the guestroom of my daughter’s things. She seems to have annexed it! – Didn’t get to this yet
*Purchase last few presents on my list – DONE
*Get teacher gifts ready to hand out on Tuesday – DONE
*Start wrapping presents :)- Didn’t get to this yet, yikes!
*Pay a couple of bills – DONE
*Celebrate my birthday weekend with dinner out with my husband – FUN!
*Wrap birthday gifts + attend two parties with my youngest – FUN
*Kids Night Out at the YMCA on Saturday – FUN
*Reading – My current book is due Monday and I am less than 1/3 done! – Happy to report I finished it!
*Holiday Baking – Made one type of cookie, will do more later this week.
I also managed to finish up all of the thank you cards from my 5 yr old’s birthday and also meal plan + grocery shop. Happy I got so much done but really need to focus on Christmas this week. 🙂
Hope Colin is feeling better. Sorry your hubby is sick Hannah and Happy Birthday Keri. I had good intentions but thanks to hubby I got some things done. Here’s hoping this new cough meds. will do the trick.
To Do:
Food Donation this weekend – Done
Check Gift List – Done
Wrap Presents -Almost Done /Hubby helped
Wash – Done-Hubby
Bank / Library – Done-Hubby
Pay Bills – Done
Pickup prescriptions – Done Hubby
Clean House-Hubby has taken on this for me – Done -Hubby
Read – only read 3 books in 5 weeks so I have some catching up to do – Finished 1 book
Rest – Done
Hope everyone has a productive week.