Hello my friends. I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was…well…clunky. Things just didn’t go smoothly, pretty much all the way around. Ah well, that’s just how it goes sometimes. Right? So I hope you had a fabulous weekend that was smooth sailing. 🙂 Here’s my update.

Play List:

  • Boot camp. Okay – that went great.
  • Basketball.  Check.
  • Relax! Check (sort of.)
  • Spend some time pinning! A big check here. I had quite a bit of time in the car this weekend driving to and from basketball games…so I was pinning on the go. I think that was probably the highlight of the weekend.

To Finish:

  • Make a Target run.  Check. But one of the main things I needed to pick up was the Fels-Naptha for my laundry detergent. But Target doesn’t seem to carry this. So, on Sunday I went to Walmart (where I got it before) and they were totally out! Grr…so because of this , no check on this next task.
  • Pinterest to-do:  Make more laundry detergent.  (Nope.)
  • Start and finish a load or two of laundry. Check! Lots of basketball uniform washing. 😉
  • Plan weekly meals. This didn’t happen. Today…it must…or some people I know will be going hungry this week.
  • Wash and vacuum car. This was an add on. I did it yesterday after spending lots of hours in the car this weekend…it needed it badly. Boy how I love a clean car after a long, grimy winter. 😉

How did your weekend go? Hope it was great! See you back here on Friday for another round of Finish It Friday!
