Hello my Finish It Friday friends! How was your weekend? I hope you had a fun and productive one. Mine was good. 🙂 Here’s my update:

Play List:

  • Movie night. Check! We watched “Julie and Julia”—one of my favorites.
  • Get together with friends. Check!
  • Boot camp. Check! (I just couldn’t stay away.)

To Finish:

  • Curtains. Check! I finished. I’m so excited! I’ll try to take a photo later when the light is different. (Right now we’ve got:  bright outside + dark inside = beyond my photography skills.)
  • Kitchen project. Progress was made. Stay tuned…
  • Laundry. I was all caught up on Saturday, and then after the get together on Saturday (a bonfire) the laundry got un-done as laundry tends to do. So I’ll be doing (more) laundry today.
  • Plan meals for the week. Check!

Let us know in the comments how your weekend went. I look forward to hearing from you! See you back here this Friday for another round of finishing and fun. 🙂
