Hello my Finish It Friday friends! How was your weekend? I hope you had a fun and productive one. Mine was good. 🙂 Here’s my update:
Play List:
- Movie night. Check! We watched “Julie and Julia”—one of my favorites.
- Get together with friends. Check!
- Boot camp. Check! (I just couldn’t stay away.)
To Finish:
- Curtains. Check! I finished. I’m so excited! I’ll try to take a photo later when the light is different. (Right now we’ve got: bright outside + dark inside = beyond my photography skills.)
- Kitchen project. Progress was made. Stay tuned…
- Laundry. I was all caught up on Saturday, and then after the get together on Saturday (a bonfire) the laundry got un-done as laundry tends to do. So I’ll be doing (more) laundry today.
- Plan meals for the week. Check!
Let us know in the comments how your weekend went. I look forward to hearing from you! See you back here this Friday for another round of finishing and fun. 🙂
Aby you had a productive weekend. Love when things just come together. Can’t wait to see the curtains and here more on the kitchen.
Read – 2 books
Winter Clothes Shopping – started still need to get a few more items
Scrabble – Hubby and I spend Friday evening enjoying a good game of scrabble and it was the first time we used all the letters on the board.
To Do:
Balance Checkbook – Done
Bills – Done
Start packing – great start
Wash – Done
Ironing – Nope 🙁 hopefully today
Mail – Done
These items were a bonus for the weekend-woohoo:
Calendar Book – updated
Fall Clean Craft Room Project – Cleaned all surfaces now I need to declutter cabinets/closet -I need to break this down into manageable areas to get done so I’m happy with my progress
Clean Email/Favorite folders – Done
Switched Shoes Fall/Summer – Done
Purchase Birthday Gift – Done
Christmas Gifts Purchased – Almost Done
Grocery Shopping – Thanks to Hubby this is done
I was just so tickled to get so much more done this weekend than I expected. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I love this Finish It Friday it helps keep me on track. Thanks Aby!!!
Can’t wait to see your curtains!! I found an awesome fabric store last week and really want to make some but we don’t need them. Guess I’ll finish a few more projects first. 🙂
Ps I didn’t post on Friday but we did go to a corn maze and I finally cut my husband’s hair.
Aby ~ I love that you couldn’t stay away from boot camp! Good for you!
This became a plan b weekend for me as our company stayed later than planned 🙂 and my daughter has a fever and needs so mommy time.
Laundry – DONE!
Vacuum – almost done
Dusting – not at all
Clean powder room – DONE!
Sweep + mop kitchen – not at all
Family pizza + movie night – FUN!
Soccer Saturday – FUN!
Dinner out Saturday night – decided to stay home and have homemade tamales + taco bar
Work on birthday + Christmas gift ideas – not at all
Bake cookies – YUM!
Sunday am run – DONE!
Catch up on TV shows-some what done
To Do:
-Read for a project-did as much as I could
-Start on paper-have the info just need to sort it out and write the paper
-Work on class project-nope
-Get dog’s nails clipped-CHECK!
-Clean up the kitchen-CHECK!
Pretty good weekend. I got the majority of my stuff done.
Another one of those weekends where plans were constantly in flux:
1. Son’s 2 baseball games DONE & it was great weather for it
2. Babysitting my Grandaughter (for real this time) DONE.. so much fun
3. Visit one of my nieces who had a baby girl today Postponed until next weekend she was already having too much company
4. Nephew’s football game They changed the time so I couldn’t make it rescheduled unti next weekend
5. More class work for the Photo Organization class I’m taking … working working working
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…) DONE
2. Laundry DONE
3. Food Shopping DONE
4. Yard work (hedge trimming and cleaning out the shed leftover from last weekend + raking) NOPE.. ran out of time
5. Catch up on editing and uploading photos Somewhat
Have a great week everyone
*My husband & I are taking our youngest son to dinner & a movie tonight – DONE!
*Two soccer games on Saturday – DONE!
*4H Banquet on Saturday night – DONE!
*Read lesson 2 for Routines class – DONE!
*Take pictures for photography class – took a few
*Watch at least 2 videos from photography class – DONE!
*Continue working to catch-up on bookkeeping (1 hr minimum) – DONE!
*Lesson plans – DONE!
*Change sheets – DONE!
*Laundry – DONE!
*Decorate for banquet – DONE!
*Clean out purse – not done
*Pay bills – pd 2 bills online, need to take care of the rest on Monday
And my sweet husband mopped the floor without me asking 🙂
A little late in the week checking in but here goes…
For Fun
– start a new book CHECK
– enjoy Me Time with wine and dinner picked up CHECK
– enjoy the parts of my newly decluttered home (yah!) CHECK
– take kids to pumpkin patch NOPE
To Do
– taxes CHECK (ouch)
– declutter more spots in the house CHECK
– start yard work in preparation for winter CHECK
A on-target weekend.