Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was…relaxing. Exactly what I needed. I did pretty well with my to-do list and even got a few bonus things done. But mostly, I watched the Olympics and read. The best part of the whole weekend was waking up on Sunday morning to RAIN! It is so dry here and even though we didn’t get a ton of rain, it was nice to get some rain. It restored my faith that it won’t stay hot and dry like this forever. Alright…here’s the run down on my list…


  • Boot camp. Check! It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be—hooray! I’m sore but I have been much, much worse before. Yay.
  • Read. I finished my book. I’m so glad I read it. Cute, fun, funny. (Note to self: read more just for fun books!)
  • Movie night with friends. Check! We watched Crazy Stupid Love. I’m no movie critic…but I enjoyed it.


  • Laundry. Hello, how did I go from in good shape on Friday to three loads to do on Sunday? Seriously? How does that happen? I haven’t a clue…but the good news is…it’s all done again.
  • Plan next week’s meals. (And shop.) Check and check. And here’s the new dish we’re trying this week: Gazpacho. Hope it’s yummy.
  • Clean. Check! But I ran into a little snag with the shower cleaner thing. (I didn’t have the dish soap. So that is on my errands list for the week. I haven’t given up that this is the thing that will simplify my least favorite cleaning job.)
  • Start and finish an important writing project. Okay…so I was doing well until I got here. There is no set deadline for this project at this point. I definitely need to be in the right frame of mind to do it…so I will wait and do it when the timing is right. No worries.

Add On To-Dos

  • Declutter my command central binder. This is crazy but true: my kids start school two weeks from Wednesday! In preparation, I cleaned out our home reference binder to create space for the new papers that will be coming home from school very soon.
  • List new workshop for sale! Hooray! Want to know what it is? Here you go…



So that’s my check in! How was your weekend? Thanks for sharing your updates and thanks for your support about my challenging situation. I really appreciate it. And thank you for joining me for Finish It Friday. It definitely helps keep me motivated and focused on having fun while getting things done over the weekends. I hope you have a great week!
