Whew. I thought the weeks were going fast, until I had another weekend. That was lightning-fast! How about yours?
Other than flying by…it was a good and productive weekend. Hope yours was too. Here’s my update:
Play List
- Boot camp. Check!
- Movie night with friends. Check!
- Make banana bread. This was an add-on. Sometimes I like to add things to my list so I can check them off. (Do you do that, too?)
To Finish
- Decide on a snack for movie night and make it. Check!
- Laundry. Check, check, check!
- Hand-wash a wool sweater. Check! And wow, it took so little time. Good to note for next time if I feel like putting this task off. It’s really not a big deal.
- Clean house. Check!
- Plan meals for the week, including what I’m bringing for Thanksgiving. Check! And I did the shopping, too.
- Take some forms to get notarized. Check!
- Work on gift lists and share with family members. Check. Progress was made, but the task isn’t done yet.
- Make 30 minutes of progress going through some old project files in my office. Check! I actually spent an hour in my office this weekend doing paperwork. It all feels so much better now.
Hooray! It’s always so nice to start the week with a clean slate, don’t you think? Can’t wait to hear how your weekend went.
Happy Monday!
Put up Christmas Tree – DONE and enjoyed doing it!
Read – Finished 2 books and started 3rd
Decorated inside of house for Christmas – Hubby was so helpful!!!
Shopping with girlfriend
To Do:
Wash – Done
Clean Bathrooms -Done thanks to hubby
Clean House if tree gets finished – Done
Library – Done
Ironing Done
Emails Sent
Cleaned Fridge
I have a few more things to try and get done on my challenges this week. Hope everyone has a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!
Play List~nap after getting up at 4am to buy recital tickets tomorrow am.
Update:Hubby got up and waited in line for me so I met him at 7am-So no nap needed ~ PERFECT!
To Finish~Spend 4 hours cleaning out scrap/craft room.
Update:Spent about 10 hours total over the weekend and still need to sort and purge more.
~Take Halloween bins back to storage and bring out Thanksgiving ones.
Update: Didn’t get this done as we ran to Portland and hour north to Ikea to get more shelves for the scrap/craft room
~Decorate the house~Update:next weekend will be Christmas decorcating.
~Clean out Closet~Update:This Wed. when my daycare is closed.
~Help our Son clean his room~Update:Planned for this weekend
~Finish Laundry~Update:Half done which is better than none.
~Clean House
-Pillow exhibit: didn’t get to this. Slept in instead
-Wrap baby shower gift: check!
-Baby shower: check! So good to see old friends!
-Make Christmas List: will do this today
To Do:
-Outline for class: Done! wasn’t very good but at least it’s done.
-Work (Saturday and Sunday): Done! Not looking forward to Black Friday!
I was out of town this weekend having to work on my moms outside area from sun up to sun down. It was exhausting work and am still quite sore! And recovering from the time change. But I was able to squeak in a dinner with an old neighbor and afterwards went to the Grand Opening of the Container Store =-) and bought my self a little treat at James Avery.
Was able to take a cat nap on the flight home so it was a super busy long weekend.
This week & weekend will be comprised of a few errands, recovering from the trip and catching up on chores and laundry.
Laundry – washed, folded + put away – DONE
Clean bathrooms – DONE
Vacuum – DONE
Sweep + mop kitchen floor – DONE
Dusting – DONE
Finish 2-3 days on the 28 day challenge – Wanted to do this but didn’t get to it 🙁
Meal plan + grocery shop – DONE
Finalize travel plans + packing list for Thanksgiving – DONE
Sweep garage + front porch – DONE
Soccer Camp for my oldest son + daughter – FUN but very cold
Family pizza + movie night – FUN
Birthday party for my daughter to attend – FUN
Saturday morning run – YES, very cold 🙁
Buy new running shoes – DIdn’t get to this
Reading – YES, really enjoyed the rest of The Help!
Work on Christmas + Birthday lists – YES, but more to do
Target – This week
*Friday – family pizza night (it will be different with just 4 of us here, but fun all the same!) – CHECK!
*Saturday – last soccer game of the season – CHECK!
*Sunday – rest up for the busy week ahead 🙂 – got a short nap, which was better than nothing 🙂
*Finish laundry – CHECK!
*Clear tickler file – CHECK!
*Lesson plans for next 2 weeks – CHECK!
*Pay bills – CHECK!
*Transfer pictures to computer and make a backup – CHECK!
*Continue cleaning & decluttering in anticipation of Thanksgiving – CHECK!
*Finalize to-do list for Thanksgiving – CHECK!
*Catch up on computer/internet related items (email, Google reader, etc) – definite progress made
*Catch up in Organized Holiday class – definite progress made
*Make progress on Christmas planning – concentrated on Thanksgiving instead
*Bookkeeping (1 hr) – CHECK!