Wow…how are you? It’s been a while. I’m having a catch-your-breath-and-catch-up-with-life day. And it feels really good.  So nice to get out from under some linger to-dos.

Anyway, I’ve recently had a few requests for the Monday Night Chicken Recipe. I’ve mentioned this in a few places on my website and blog, but it seems my mention of the dish and the recipe itself aren’t usually in the same place. So essentially I rant and rave over this dish and then leave everyone hungry (quite literally) for the recipe. So…today, problem solved. Here’s the recipe again.

6 frozen chicken breasts*
2 cans cream of chicken soup
salt and pepper to taste

Put chicken in slow cookers and pour soup over top. Add salt and pepper. Place cover on slow cooker and cook on low for ten to twelve hours. Enjoy!

It seems a bit anti-climatic…but perhaps that’s the point. It’s really, really easy and it can strike one thing off your to do list each and every week, if you in fact make it every Monday night as the name implies you could.

We usually have this with rice and a veggie. This dish is super yummy when it’s cold out and my whole family loves it (another bonus). For variety try other types of soup … like cream of asparagus or cream of celery (my personal favorite). And for even more variety, go nuts and serve it on a Tuesday, like we did this week.

*Yes, the chicken breasts can be frozen! You don’t have to defrost which makes it even faster and you can always have the ingredients on hand. I love that!

This is a great recipe for this time of year, too, when things get busy. Just stock up on a bunch of packs of frozen chicken breasts and canned soup next time you’re at the store…and you’ll have everything you need for several nights of dinners…without any planning or shopping mid-holiday season.

And seriously, who knew one person could say so much over a two-ingredient recipe? It’s a bit crazy.

What’s your go-to, super, simple dish to prepare in a time crunch? (And I’m sure that’s how you’d refer to it, too.) I’d love to hear what you do to get dinner on the table when the to-do list is overflowing.