Do you ever feel as if you should already know how to get organized? That somehow organizing is a gene and you missed out on it? If so, you’re in good company. Often when people call to inquire about my organizing services or online workshops, they feel funny reaching out for help because, well, Shouldn’t I already know how to do this?
If you’ve ever felt this way, too, check out my new article “Can You Really Learn How to Get Organized?” Then, come back here and share your thoughts. Do you think it is possible to learn how to get organized? Have you learned how? What approaches have worked best for you?
It’s definitely possible to learn organizational skills. It also takes practice. Some people are better with coming up with the ideas, other just learning to implement them. I continue to learn new organizational skills but if you ask my friends they can’t believe that I still visit sites and read about organizing 😉
I agree it is possible to learn new habits that will keep you organized, but, I gotta say, I think people are mostly born one way or the other.
I think you can definitely learn to be organized. In my opinion, it depends a lot on finding the way that works for you – something that might work great for someone else might seem totally unpractical (or even unorganized!) to yourself. For me, really getting to know my goal – how should something be / work? – is the key to getting organized. If I have this vision of what I want to achieve (for example, I just had this great idea about turning an old desk into a craft storage), it makes getting there so much easier. But this first part of developing a clear idea of what I want and need is the hard part for me!
On another note, I remember talking to friends at university who had this impression of me being “a super organized and informed person”, which I totally laughed at, as I didn’t feel like that at all. Looking closer, it turned out that what caused this impression was that I could always tell them whom to ask for a specific problem, rather providing an “index” knowledge than actually knowing every little detail myself. On the other hand, I was organized in the little details – like my work material, pencil case, things like that – but lacking the bigger picture (organizing my work flow throughout the term, for example). Again, I got closer to that by developing a better idea of where I’m heading, but connecting the big picture and little, doable steps to get there is what I’m constantly working at.
(Sorry for these lengthy comments, but your question really clicked with me today!)
@Johanna Hörrmann Thanks for your comments — glad this topic resonnated with you! It sounds like you really know yourself which is so helpful when getting organized.
I think it is both. I think we all have an organizing gene in us, but sometimes we just need to tweak it or wake it up. That is where we as organizers are great for people of all skill levels.
Thank you for this article. It came at a perfect time. I am constantly beating myself as to why I just can’t get it. For me it is a never ending journey and I will say this about myself…I never give up trying.