Are you ready to face your clutter ghosts? My coaching client June Silny was. June is an author in the process of putting the finishing touches on her first book. If that isn’t enough, she’s also gearing up to start a website and a blog. For June, these big projects meant it was time to face her paper clutter ghosts, and say goodbye to them, once and for all. We had a great coaching call on Tuesday, and then yesterday, I woke up to an email from June. I was inspired by her words and wanted to share them with you, in hopes they will encourage you to face your own clutter ghosts, if you haven’t done so yet. 

I sit at my kitchen desk looking out the window. I could tell the seasons were changing. An October morning looks different than others. Ghosts are on the lawns next to skeleton arms that pop out the grass, smiling pumpkins sit by the front doors.

Are you ready to face your clutter ghosts?

Waiting for the hot water to boil so I can have a warm healthy oatmeal breakfast, I sit here looking at the ghosts and pumpkins while I leisurely go through my previously dreaded mail piles that are now neatly lying in three sections patiently waiting for me to take action. Bravely, I reach for the most annoying one first, the one labeled “FILE.” I used to have a phobia of that word almost as much as I fear finding a cockroach in a closed cabinet under the kitchen sink. But today, I am in recovery, fear-free. Today the dreaded file-pile is smiling back at me and calling my name. I smile back, I go through each piece of paper and even though the water is boiling, I ignore it. I am in the flow, nothing can stop me. I am swaying with the rhythm; pick up the envelope, slicing it open, and then the magic happens… the paper inside is ready for its beautiful new home in the beige linen file box that sits on top of my dark forest green granite desk. The bright green and pink plaid file folder with its name on it…”Wells Fargo” opens up wide, inviting the paper in. It’s hard to believe but filing bank statements is enjoyable today!

Turning my back on the ghosts and skeletons outside to pour the hot water onto the oatmeal, I say goodbye to the ghosts and skeletons of my disorganized chaotic paper piles. Free at last!

Yum! Even the oatmeal tastes better today.

Congratulations June for saying goodbye to your clutter ghosts! 
