The weather here in my neck of the woods this winter has been weird, to say the least. Here’s how it goes. First, we get this:
Unseasonably warm weather. I snapped this photo of our thermometer on Sunday afternoon. I spent the afternoon sitting on my front porch in flop-flops going through old magazines. (More on that in a future post.) It was wonderful. And believe it or not, I was almost hot!
Fast forward 24 hours, to this:
And then, 16 hours later, this:
Snow! And as happy as I was wearing flip-flops on Sunday…I love snow. So I’m equally happy today. And I especially love to watch the snow build up on the little roof of this birdhouse. I can see this birdhouse from so many places in my home: my office, my seat at the dinner table, and even my master bedroom. I love that thing…especially when it’s piled up with snow on the roof.
My Mom gave Jay and I this birdhouse for our fifth anniversary. I don’t even think we hung it up right away…and now, there it is, keeping me company, literally all day long.
So…yes, in the midst of a random musing on the weather…there’s a little organizing message here as well: surround yourself with things you love, those things that make you happy. And if they can remind you of someone you love in the process, all the better.
Often I see people hold onto things because they were given to them by someone they care about…and yet, those items are tucked away in a closet or box or deep in the basement. Bring the items that mean the most to you out of hiding. You don’t have to keep every gift or item someone has given you. One really great gift can represent a lifetime of gifts and honor a special person in your life.
My Mom has given me many gifts over the years. And this birdhouse, even though when I got it, I was thinking “The wood anniversary? Really?” is a truly special gift. I love how as it has gotten older, the weather has aged the wood, fading it in spots, making it even more beautiful.
I haven’t kept every gift my Mom has given me…and I don’t need to. I have my birdhouse and it’s with me all the time. When I work. When I eat every meal of the day. And when I look out the window of my bedroom. I notice it more on snowy days…and that makes me happy. I love watching the roof pile up with snow. And I love to watch it disappear over the next few days, as the snow melts away. The birdhouse, and the snow makes me think of Mom and makes me think of winters growing up in Michigan with lots and lots of snow.
What’s your bird house? Is it out in the open where you can enjoy it every day? Or is it tucked away in a box or stuffed on a shelf in the closet? Today, especially if it’s snowing where you are, would be a great day to dig out your bird house—that one special gift or item that honors a relationship with someone you love. Let me know if you take me up on this challenge. I’d love to hear about the treasures you unearth…or if you already have a “bird house” in your midst, tell me about that, too. I wonder if, by bringing the truly special gifts and items out of hiding, it will make it easier to let go of the things that come into your life that don’t have as much meaning to you. I know that is the case for me.
OK…off to make some chicken noodle soup (from the can…I’m not THAT motivated) and then, get back to work. 😉 Have a happy day!
I like your story about the birdhouse. Thanks for reminding us to surround ourselves with the things we love. I often put things away for “safe keeping” and don’t use them but I really should get them out and enjoy them.
Now, a question for you. The other week you posted about how to stop unwanted junk mail and now I’d like to know if there is a way to stop unwanted junk email. Do you know if there is a way to stop all the unwanted emails that get through the junk filter on the computer?
I had a variation of that thought last night when I was polishing tarnish off some mis-matched spoons given to me by my aunt when she was moving to a smaller place.
While cleaning them before putting away, it occurred to me, ‘why not use them? I always need extra spoons.’ But my knee-jerk reaction was, ‘but they’re SILVER (or plate, I don’t know) and they might get messed up if they go into the regular flatware drawer!’ My more logical self countered with ‘So what, these are random spoons-who are you saving them for?’ Since my knee-jerk self couldn’t come up with a really good answer, in the flatware drawer they went and I’m really looking forward to using them.
I like your idea of honoring the giver by pulling out and using gifts being kept tucked away to keep them safe. We deserve to see and use the special things and if doing this has the power to make letting go of the other stuff easier, that’s just an added blessing in my book.
Just wanted to tell you I found your blog about a week ago.
I absolutely love it.
So full of inspiration!
I loved your thoughts today. I’m reminded of giving/receiving candles and bath items ( the popular girl gift)…How often do they just sit unused? We need to use them! It is important to burn the candle and use the bath salts/lotions…in the same relaxing evening would be a dream!
you’ve been tagged miss lady! check out my blog for the details.
hugs, r
I completely agree! It’s great that you have such a prominent spot to display this gift, and are mindful enough to let it remind you of the gift of wonderful relationships.
I try to think about this too when I am giving gifts. As someone who sometimes struggles to control my stuff – and the amount of new stuff I allow into my life – I have become really conscious of the stuff I give other people. I don’t want to be adding to someone else’s clutter. Even harder for me because I *love* shopping for other people, finding the ‘perfect’ gift, etc, etc. I’m not saying this as a scroogy or unsentimental person, but seriously … how many people need (or want) another trinket?! This has led me to think more about how to better give gifts of experience, time, and myself. Your post is such a wonderful reminder of what gifts can and should mean.
My grandmother passed away on Christmas Day and when I am missing her so much it hurts, I curl up inside of the quilt that she kept on her bed every day. I have it displayed on a quilt rack in my room so it is always within reach when I need a bit of comfort.