Hello my Finish It Friday friends. It seems like it has been forever since we’ve done some good ol’ weekend to-do list sharing. I’m talking myself into being ready to do it again. Ready or not…here I go!

simplify101 checklistfun

  • boot camp. I haven’t been in several weeks…but I did run a 5K last weekend, so I’m hoping it won’t be too bad. Wish me luck and un-sore muscles. 🙂
  • cross country meet
  • dinner with family


  • baby shower. My nephew and his wife are expecting their first baby! So fun. The shower itself is also fun…but there are a couple of things I must get done before the shower…so that’s why it is on my done list.
  • update my project lists and to-do lists. I think it would be therapeutic to reengage in a project or two…so this weekend I will figure out what I feel like doing next. (Or at least organize a list of possibilities.)
  • laundry
  • plan next week’s meals
  • grocery shop

In good (weekend) news, we are back to cleaning on Monday nights (woohoo!) which means, no cleaning on the weekends. I love that.

Okay my friends…it does feel good to be back on track with Finish It Friday. (Glad I talked myself into it.) I look forward to hearing what’s on your fun and done lists this weekend, too. Have a great one!

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