Hello my Finish It Friday friends. It seems like it has been forever since we’ve done some good ol’ weekend to-do list sharing. I’m talking myself into being ready to do it again. Ready or not…here I go!
- boot camp. I haven’t been in several weeks…but I did run a 5K last weekend, so I’m hoping it won’t be too bad. Wish me luck and un-sore muscles. 🙂
- cross country meet
- dinner with family
- baby shower. My nephew and his wife are expecting their first baby! So fun. The shower itself is also fun…but there are a couple of things I must get done before the shower…so that’s why it is on my done list.
- update my project lists and to-do lists. I think it would be therapeutic to reengage in a project or two…so this weekend I will figure out what I feel like doing next. (Or at least organize a list of possibilities.)
- laundry
- plan next week’s meals
- grocery shop
In good (weekend) news, we are back to cleaning on Monday nights (woohoo!) which means, no cleaning on the weekends. I love that.
Okay my friends…it does feel good to be back on track with Finish It Friday. (Glad I talked myself into it.) I look forward to hearing what’s on your fun and done lists this weekend, too. Have a great one!
Shop for picture for dining room
To Do:
Pay Bills
Balance Checkbook
Grocery Shop
Return extra curtains
Update my project list-Thanks for the suggestion Aby. I need to update my list since we have knocked off a few major items lately. Time to think about what to start next.
Hope you have a great weekend Aby.
To Do:
Finish stuff for baby shower-I am hosting a shower for a friend from our church small group\
Washing clothes
Game Day at Mountaineer Field!
Glad to see Finish it Friday. 🙂 Hope you are hanging in there Aby. Your posts about your dad have been beautiful and so touching.
*Laundry ~ washed, folded + put away
*Clean master bathroom
*Finish dusting upstairs
*Change bed linens
*Grocery list + shopping done
*Update calendar
*Soccer and Flag Football pictures – prepay + pictures done
*Family pizza + movie night
*Soccer Saturday + Sunday – league games for all three kiddos plus 3 tournament games for my daughter’s team.
*Flag football on Sunday afternoon for my two sons
*Bake some brownies or cookies 🙂
*Get out Halloween/Fall decorations
*Family dinner out Sunday
Have a great weekend – I can’t believe Monday is Oct!
Hooray, it’s back!
*Declutter living and dining room
*Sew button on sweater
*Host dinner on Sunday
*Catch up on DVR
*Plan next knitting project
This is weekend is pure fun… my sister is visiting. I got the “done” part (cleaning) done yesterday so I could enjoy the fun part this weekend.
Be home some time this weekend
Cuddle with my kids
Do some kind of workout
Do something scrap related
Wood cutting bee and resulting food prep
Dish to pass for Shooting Club banquet/meeting
Pay bills
Update Itouch
LAUNDRY (my Dad was in the hospital 10 days so I have LOTS to catch up on)
Put out Halloween and Fall decorations
Clean up desk area!!