Happy Monday! Did you have a great weekend? I hope it was happy and productive! This is the place to share the progress you made over the weekend. I’m looking forward to reading your update! Here’s mine.

Play List:

  • Boot Camp. Check!

To Finish:

  • Laundry. Check!
  • Kitchen project. Much progress was made. Jay took the shelves out of the pantry, I cleaned them thoroughly and painted inside the pantry, Jay reinstalled the shelves, and we put everything back in. It’s looking better…but not quite done. 🙂
  • Sew kitchen curtains. Well…I haven’t sewn them yet, but do have them cut out. (Which is huge progress, really.) For me, cutting, is the most intimidating step of any sewing project! So I’m glad to have that part done. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

So this weekend was more about making progress than it was about finishing, but I’m okay with that. Progress is progress, and progress is good.

I can’t wait to hear how your weekend went! Thanks so much for joining me this week. See you back here this Friday for another round of Finish It Friday.