Happy Monday! Did you have a great weekend? I hope it was happy and productive! This is the place to share the progress you made over the weekend. I’m looking forward to reading your update! Here’s mine.
Play List:
- Boot Camp. Check!
To Finish:
- Laundry. Check!
- Kitchen project. Much progress was made. Jay took the shelves out of the pantry, I cleaned them thoroughly and painted inside the pantry, Jay reinstalled the shelves, and we put everything back in. It’s looking better…but not quite done. 🙂
- Sew kitchen curtains. Well…I haven’t sewn them yet, but do have them cut out. (Which is huge progress, really.) For me, cutting, is the most intimidating step of any sewing project! So I’m glad to have that part done. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
So this weekend was more about making progress than it was about finishing, but I’m okay with that. Progress is progress, and progress is good.
I can’t wait to hear how your weekend went! Thanks so much for joining me this week. See you back here this Friday for another round of Finish It Friday.
I didn’t get a chance to post my list so here is what we actually did do:
* visit my family
* buy fittings for making a new larder cupboard
* have in laws to lunch
* laundry ~ it is never ending now
* get floors ready for carpet fitting
* decide on name for baby ~ yay at last
we failed to
* actually fit out the new larder
* make an appointment to register the name, so now I have to drop in and wait
carpet fitters now busy fitting and I cannot wait till they leave as I will have two rooms back in use and the stairs. getting ready with plans in my head on what furniture to put where and thinking of having my group of new mum friends visit for coffee with their little ones as a way to celebrate and set a deadline.
1. Watch the football game with our friends. Friends had to cancel but Husband and I had a nice lunch and coffee date instead. Tigers won!
2. Date Night/Movie Night In. Check!
3. Family time at the park. Check!
1. Veneer light feature. I’m almost done with this one. The glue is still drying!
2. Recover dining room chairs. No check. I may have changed my mind on the fabric choice so I had to hold off.
3. Finish sunset art. Almost check.
4. Fix t-shirt pillow. Check!
5. Patch holes in office. No check.
6. Get oil change. Check!
I’m hoping next weekend will be more successful. I have next Monday and Tuesday off so I’m hoping to use those days to make some major progress!
What a great relaxing weekend we had.
Dinner W/Brother/Sister-In-Law – So much fun and we decided we need to do this more often.
Read – 2 books and started 3rd
Shopping for winter clothes – NO 🙁 but hopefully next weekend
Relax since house is cleaned – YES!
To Do:
Wash – Done
Library Returns – Done
Macy’s Returns/Clinique Bonus – Done
Hubby washed my car which wasn’t on the list and I’m tickled to have that done.
Making progress is important and you got a lot started. I was so happy to have a low key weekend. Sometimes you need that to get you going again. Have a great week.
Catch up on DVR – Check
Cat-sitting – Check
Laundry – Check
Fresh Sheets – Check
Weekend declutter and clean – Check
Travel list for FL (less than 3 weeks!) – Started
Make key lime pie – Apple crisp instead (I had more apples than I realized)
Make dehydrated apples and bananas – Check
Work on mail backlog – Check
My list was:
Getting my fall decos up and done
Laundry didn’t finish
Put flannel sheets on…it gor really nice so ill wait until it gets colder
Reread lesson 1 done
Sorting and organizing we just built a garage so we moved stuff from the basement to the garage
Grocery shop done
Girls nite had a blast
I’ve done pretty good. Technically still in my weekend 🙂
Sleep In (check!! 2 days)
Put up Halloween decorations(not yet. I am waiting until I babysit tomorrow)
Do some crafts(not yet, but maybe this evening)
To Do:
Switch out the credenza in livingroom with the TV stand(check)
Bring out rolling file cabinet and shelf from spareroom(check)
Switch out white shelf in diningroom with the credenza(check)
Switch out tall bookshelf in Spareroom with white shelf.(check)
Switch out bookcase(and put it in storage) in bedroom with tall bookshelf.(switched out, but have not taken to the storage unit, yet)
Clean up diningroom and livingroom(check)
Do dishes and some laundry(check)
Cook for the week(after planning a menu)– I need to go to the grocery store and then I will make some chicken and beef.
Wow…I actually stuck to this type of category specific list..and the results were awesome.
Play: had a few neighbors over; took the family dirtbike riding. My 4yr old daughter was cookin on the track…so proud.
Finish: deep clean the kids bathroom and reorganize. Reorganize hall closet and recycled and donated a ton of stuff. Cleaned out 2 cabinets; deep cleaned and rearranged furniture in the family room; stripped down the bakers rack. Scrubbed the dining room floor.
In progress: need to deep clean and declutter the kitchen; winterize the backyard; declutter and donate some of the kids toys.
Yaay me!! Thanks for the fun motivation! !
Vacuum – DONE
Clean bathrooms – DONE
Deep clean kitchen – DONE + it looks so sparkly!
Sweep + mop kitchen – DONE
Laundry – washed, folded + put away – DONE!
Wash slipcovers on family room sofa – DONE
Update family calendar – DONE
Family movie + pizza night – Fun!
Soccer games – Fun!
Trip to Target – Done
Sunday am run – Done in the rain
Reading time! – a bit, but wanted more
Work with my oldest on Cub Scout achievements – didn’t get to this one at all
Brainstorm Birthday present + Christmas ideas – a bit but need to really start working on this one
Play List:
Son’s Football Game–CHECK
Movie w/ hubby.–CHECK
Finish List:
Clean Master Bedroom Closet–started not finished
Start Reorganizing Craft Room.–ANOTHER GIANT CHECK! 🙂
Make Packing Lists for Upcoming Trips.–CHECK
Nice job everyone!!
~ Aby
I didn’t do as well as I thought. I work on the weekends so that takes up a great chunk of my time.
Professor’s house for dinner-check!
Figure out Christmas presents-halfway done with this
Get organized more-no check
To Do:
Read for online class and post-doing that tonight
Work on a project-no check (will be working on this in chunks)
Clean room-no check. (After work and picking up after customers this is the last thing I want to do)
Start studying for a Midterm-no check (this will absolutely have to be done tonight.)
Start paper-no check (still have time to do this)
Laundry-check! (Will be doing the boyfriend’s this evening)
Clean kitchen & run dishwasher-check and check!
It’s not much but I’m happy to get laundry done and the mess out of the kitchen. I won’t put as much on my list next week!
Fun (lots of fun this weekend)
1. Son’s baseball game CHECK
2. Babysitting my Grandaughter CANCELLED they didn’t go out 🙁
3. Photo shoot with my two nieces (sisters due on the same date) CHECK and we had lots of fun
4. Friends wedding on sunday CHECK
5. Start on class work for the Photo Organization class that started today (really excited about this one) IN PROGRESS
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…) CHECK
2. Laundry CHECK
3. Food Shopping CHECK
4. Yard work (trying to get everything organized for the winter while the weather is so lovely) 8 out of 10 tasks completed.. bailed on cleaning out the shed and trimming the hedges in favor of washing & waxing the car!
5. Clean out email box ALMOST CHECK
It was a three day weekend for us so got lots done.. too bad we don’t have more of those.
This weekend was all about having a good time adn visiting with my boys and that was accomplished. We had a great time. Made the long drive worth it.
But with that done it left my house a mess and now will be getting the hosue back in order the rest of today.
Ok – checking in a little late – but here it is:
Play List:
1. Watch my nephew play baseball – check (so much fun!)
2. Watch my daughter play soccer – check (also lots of fun!)
3. Have a fun dinner with friends on Saturday night – check (and my house got cleaned too!)
To Finish:
1. Sand and paint the last coat of paint on my dresser – didn’t get to this one – so will add in to next weekend’s list.
2. Decorate for Halloween/Fall – check (the kids had fun helping!)
3. Clean – check!
4. Laundry – check!
5. Finish one small project in my pile of craft projects – adding this one to next weekend’s list.
6. Get a workout in – check x3!
7. Menu plan for next week – check!
8. Grocery shop – check!
I think it was a pretty full weekend! Can’t wait for next week’s Finish it Friday!
I was out of the house unexpectedly yesterday and then in “catch-up” mode today, so just now getting to post my progress.
*Family Pizza Night – DONE!
*Soccer on Saturday – DONE!
*Make cupcakes – DONE!
*Take pictures for photography class – DONE (a few anyway)!
*Hair coloring with Mom – DONE!
*Laundry – DONE!
*Worksheets for Habits+Routines class – about 1/2 done
*Read Hebrews – DONE!
*Finish grocery list – DONE!
*Shop for groceries & science supplies – DONE!
*Wipe out fridge – done all except for 2 drawers
*June bookkeeping (finish) – not done 🙁
*July bookkeeping (at least one hour)- hired my youngest son to work on this
*Clean off table – DONE!
*Two 15-min decluttering sessions – DONE!
*Watch testing video with DS – DONE!
*Work on homeschool directory – DONE (as of today)!
Nice job everyone:)