I hope you had a terrific weekend. If you participated in Finish It Friday, here’s the place to check in and share how things went! Here’s my update.

Play List:

  • Boot camp. Check!
  • Go to Gypsy Caravan. Check! And I found some great things.

Gypsy caravan finds

Night stand

Vintage trays

  • Do something else completely relaxing. There was some time for relaxing this weekend. We ate dinner on the deck two nights…so nice and relaxing, and it was the perfect weather for it. And I had a chance to sit on the front porch and listen to the rain on Friday. Yay, love that!
  • Talk to my kids about creating a list of things they would like to do this summer. Check…and we started putting together a list, too.


  • Clean. Check!
  • Plan meals for the week. Check – and I went to the grocery store.
  • Laundry. Check!
  • Do some work in my office. Check!
  • Fill out summer camp forms. Progress was made. I need to schedule a camp physical this week before one of the forms can be finished up.
  • Plant some more herbs in my garden. Check! We picked up some herbs at the farmer’s market and then Jay planted them on Saturday. Thanks, Jay!  And, we’re already enjoying fresh basil and cilantro from the garden. Yay, summer is here!

It’s been a fun run with Finish It Friday. Thanks to everyone who participated—whether once or regularly.  You certainly motivated me to get more done…and have more fun!