Before I get to the weekend to-do list stuff, I want to send a shout-out to my readers on the east coast. I had been hearing reports of power outages via Facebook…but then I saw photos of how severe the destruction is on the news. I’m floored. My heart is heavy for everyone who has been effected by this storm. I’d love to hear how you’re doing.

As for the weekend to-do list stuff, it seems like Friday arrived way too fast this week. I know this is due to Halloween and out of town visitors happening right smack dab in the middle of the week. Regardless, what this means is that there’s lots to do this weekend to catch up from the midweek break! Totally worth it…but the laundry pile runneth over, for example. Here’s what’s on my to-do list this weekend:

Checklist for Finish It FridayFun

  • Run. I met my 43 mile goal for the month of October. My total mileage was 53.77, which I’m really happy about! Never would have dreamed I would run that far when I started the challenge on October 2nd. I set a new goal of 46.23 miles for the month of November. When I hit that goal I will have run 100 miles in two months! So…I better get busy running this weekend.
  • Take photos for 30 days of gratitude. I’ve also decided I need some words to go along with the photos…so will be doing a bit of writing this weekend, too.


  • In-home organizing appointment. I have a weekend appointment with a terrific client. (Very much looking
    forward to this.)
  • Laundry.  There’s a big pile up in the laundry room as I type! Must address this by Sunday.
  • Plan meals + grocery shop.
  • Make progress on 28 day challenge. I’m going out of order…we’ll see what I’m inspired to do. If
    you’re participating, how are you doing with the challenge?
  • Do some paperwork. 

I’m going to keep my list short this weekend, since the better part of one day is already accounted for. What’s on your to-do list this weekend?

Have a great weekend!

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