What’s the point of planning, when things don’t go as planned?
Have you ever wondered that? I know that I have. As someone who likes to be organized and in control, I used to think that if I couldn’t carry out my plan exactly as I put it together, then the plan had no value.
As I’ve gotten older and wiser and more laid back, I know now that things rarely go exactly as planned. But when you have a plan, you can step back and reevaluate your next move based on a structured framework (your original plan.) So even when things don’t go as planned, your plan still has tremendous value.
Not planning because things may not go as planned is like not using a GPS on a road trip because you might make a wrong turn. Just as a GPS tells you where to turn next so you can get back to on track…your plan does the same thing.
Now you may be wondering why I’m sharing all of this…and it’s because my weekend didn’t go as planned. On Friday night we found ourselves hunkered down in the basement waiting out a big storm. We lost power (this definitely wasn’t in the original plans) and we lost a big tree. Cleaning up the big tree was also not in the original plans. In the scheme of things, no big deal at all. Being without power for less than a day and losing one tree (without any damage to people or property) are just inconveniences. We feel very grateful that it wasn’t worse.
But here’s the thing, since I made a plan on Friday, I was able to easily re-prioritize my weekend. I knew exactly what wasn’t going to get done as I tended to the now more urgent and important matters – finding hot coffee on Saturday morning and helping Jay with the tree on Sunday afternoon. The result was that the mission critical things on my to-do list like grocery shopping and laundry got done, while things with no real deadline (painting the front porch chair and editing photos) didn’t get done. Best of all – no stress. Because I had a plan, I knew I was attending to the most important stuff on my to-do list.
If you’ve ever resisted making a plan or writing down your to-do list out of fear that things wouldn’t go as planned, I’d like to invite you to reconsider. The point of planning isn’t to execute the plan perfectly; it’s to provide yourself with a road map that makes it possible to make the best choices, whether things go as planned or not.
Alright…onto my Monday morning update: here’s my update for today:
- Run. Check!
- Boot camp. No check.
- Dinner out with Jay and the kids. Check, postponed from Friday to Saturday. Way more enjoyable without tornadoes brewing in the area.
- Go to the bank. Check!
- Run some other errands. Check, check, check!
- Thank you notes. No check.
- Mail in camp forms. Check!
- Fill out cross country forms. (What is it with all the forms to fill out this time of year?) No check!
- Hamster training. Check!
- Project Life photo editing and printing. No check!
- Make hair cut appointment for Collin. Left a message on Friday afternoon.
- Paint front porch chair. No check!
- Laundry. Check! (Almost done.)
- Meal plan. Check!
- Grocery shop. Check!
I hope you had a great weekend and that you didn’t have any unexpected or unwelcome weather events.
Have a terrific week!
I was thinking about you Friday when I heard about the storms. Glad you guys are ok and just lost a tree.
Thanks Alissa!!
so glad to hear you are all ok.
Thank you Hannah!
Bummer on the lost tree, glad you are all OK!
We finished planting our crops this weekend, HUGE relief as we’ve had so many days of rain. Grocery shopping done. Laundry done. We also bought a few books for kids summer reading and little notebooks so we could record some daily summer vacation goals like reading, piano practice and chores. Hopefully this daily recording practice will help teach the kids some planning/time management skills in preparation of middle school in the fall.
Thank you Kelly and nice job with your weekend to-dos. Glad you got the crops planted. It sure has been a wet and cold spring / early summer!
When I heard there were storms in the St Louis area, I immediately thought of you. I’m sorry for the damage, but so glad everyone in your family is ok! Despite the unplanned events, you managed to get a whole lot done 🙂
My update:
*Family movie/pizza night – CHECK!
*Meal planning binder (really want this to get a CHECK this week!!!) – Ummm, no 🙁 Decided it was more important to really take the time to enjoy the process than to just make it an item checked off the list this weekend.
*Continue organizing digital photos – CHECK! (and also set up a slideshow of my digi layouts as a screensaver on our main computer; have been wanting to do this for quite some time)
*Change sheets – CHECK!
*Call university re: youngest son’s prospective admission – CHECK!
*Laundry – CHECK!
*Monthly calendar – CHECK!
*Take son to airport – CHECK!
*Meal planning/grocery shopping – CHECK!
*Bible class planning/preparation – CHECK!
*Medical paperwork – CHECK!
*Bookkeeping – CHECK!
*Continue planning/preparing for 4-H Roundup – CHECK!
*Make hotel reservations for trip to Arkansas – no
*Weekly planning & preparation – CHECK!
*Send pictures to newspaper – no bonus points this week 🙁
Nice job with your list this weekend Lycia…and thanks for thinking of me when you heard about the storms. Others in our town lost really huge trees, power outages for much longer than us, and some damaged roofs. We were very fortunate.
Wow. So glad you are all okay and isn’t wasn’t worse for you. My weekend didn’t go as planned either, but it was mostly due to my own incompetence. We didn’t have the weather problems here!
-Grocery Shop/errands–HALF CHECK. No errands, but grocery shopping got done.
-clean bathroom–HALF CHECK (only partially cleaned. Progress though, right?)
-PTA (my mother’s “shorthand” for “put things away”)– CHECK
-Ironing (I don’t think I can put it off another week)–NO… I’ll have to try to get to it in bit and pieces throughout the week
-Cooking (I’ve got a few new recipes to try out)–CHECK (this is where the plan went awry. What should have taken 10 minutes or less took over two hours (and a huge toll on my sanity!) and included 2 separate trips to the grocery store to buy more ingredients due to 4 failed attempts on one of the recipes. Finally I gave up and did it my own way. My own way wasn’t bad, but I still need to figure out where I went wrong so I can do it right next time! The other recipe was a success though!)
-Scrapbook (PL-style)–(Goal #6)–Yeah, NO.
-???? (Spontaneous fun) — Unless you count sleeping as spontaneous fun… NO on this one too.