Its official – the year is half over! It’s hard to believe that it’s already July 1st…but indeed it is. The first of the month is the perfect time to step back, check in with yourself on how things are going, and make a plan for the month ahead. This is exactly what the monthly get organized checklist post is all about—a simple but fun organizing plan for the month ahead.

You’ll see that this month’s checklist is a bit shorter than some of the checklists in the past. This is in celebration of the month of July, a time to slow down just a notch and enjoy the midway point of the summer and of the year. It’s also a great time to pull out your past checklists and see if there’s something you haven’t checked off yet that you’d like to work into this month’s plan. (For me, this may just include washing the windows! I think the weather and our weekend schedule may be in sync enough to permit this to happen.)

Alright, let’s get to the checklist!

July Get Organized Checklist

Checklist copyright simplify101Set your goals for the month. This is such a terrific way to start the month…and the second half of the year. What are your goals for the month?

Check your monthly tickler folder. If you’re using a tickler file system, remember to empty out your July folder and distribute the contents to your daily folders.

Declutter and organize your electronic files. Around here July tends to be pretty toasty. So it’s a great month to stay inside where it’s nice and cool, kick your feet up, and do some e-decluttering. Even though you don’t get the same visual impact as you do with decluttering in the real word, e-decluttering provides a tremendous sense of relief and peace of mind. Give it a try this month, even if it’s just for fifteen minutes a week.

Declutter and organize the pantry. Now is a great time to declutter and organize the pantry to create some space for freshly canned salsa and tomato sauce. If you plan to do some canning this year, take a few minutes to also check your inventory of cans, lids and other canning tools and supplies.

Pasta sauce

Celebrate Independence Day on July 4th and / or…

4th of July
Declare your independence from clutter! Spend fifteen minutes a day tackling a clutter hot-spot in your home.

Declutter one task from your to-do list to create a bit more breathing room in your schedule. Then, give yourself permission to slow down just a notch and enjoy your favorite things about the month. If your approach to time and task management could use a revamp, add that to your to-do list this month. Consider joining my self-paced online class It’s About Time which will show you how to manage time so that you can do more of the things you enjoy.

Fix something broken. Or decide you never will and let it go.

Here is the PDF for this month’s checklist:  July – checklist. (You will need Adobe Reader to open the file. You can get that here:

Here’s wishing you a happy and productive July! If there’s something you’ll be adding to your July get organized list, please share your ideas in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.