I’m sure you’d agree that traditions are part of what make the season so meaningful and memorable. Activities like cutting down a fresh tree, going to the Christmas Eve candlelight service, visiting Santa, and decorating your home make the season special.

Christmas Tree Tradition

Every year we look forward to cutting down our own tree.

However, too much of a good thing can become a not-so-good thing. If traditions flow into your life but there’s no thought of removing an old tradition for a new one, your holiday to-do list can become overstuffed. It’s a bit like beloved possessions. If there’s a one-way flow of stuff into your life, with no plan for decluttering and letting items go, the result is an overstuffed home, clutter and stress.

If the upcoming holiday season has you filled with apprehension or stress, this could be a sign that it’s time to step back and reevaluate your holiday traditions. Just as you would with physical clutter, your goal is to keep the good stuff—those activities that are most meaningful to you and your family. Give yourself permission to let go of, or stop doing, those activities that create stress, are no longer fun, or take away from the true meaning of the season for you. As with physical clutter, when you let go of the less meaningful stuff, you create space for the things that matter most.

What holiday traditions or to-dos would you like to declutter from your holiday plans this season? Please share your comments below. I look forward to hearing from you!
