If you follow along on my blog, you may have read my post about our recent family vacation. During this vacation I almost completely unplugged from the rest of the world. I checked email just once a day. I turned off my cell phone and disengaged from other electronic means of connecting with others. During these unplugged moments, I felt very connected to my family and to myself.
I have returned from this vacation feeling inspired and refreshed. I believe that unplugging, for just a few days, was instrumental to this rejuvenation.
There aren’t any more vacations on the horizon at this point, but I plan to continue to tap into the power of un-plugging. And you can do the same. Why not schedule a few mini-vacations from your electronic devices? Disconnect for a few days and see if you, too, discover that by disconnecting electronically you connect to something even greater. Sure, you’ll be happy to check your email and reconnect with your electronic friends when you return (just as I was) but you’ll reconnect with renewed inspiration and energy.