I write a monthly column for a local paper called Today’s AdVantage. I thought I’d share this month’s column on the blog because I find many similarities between people’s beliefs about creativity and their beliefs about organizing.
Beliefs about what we should be able to do often get in the way of actually doing. We feel we should be more organized, more creative, better in one way or another.
How are your beliefs about yourself getting in the way of your creativity and creative projects? What’s getting in the way of making progress on your organizing? Let it go … strive for progress, not perfection.
Here’s this month’s column:
Q: I feel like I should be able to get organized on my own. Why is this so hard for me?
Many clients feel embarrassed asking for help getting organized. For them, organizing feels like something they should naturally know how to do. I’m here to tell you, there is no more reason you should be born knowing how to organize, than you should be born with a beautiful singing voice! For some, it comes naturally. For others, organizing is a learnable skill. And that is one of my main goals when I work with you: to teach you how to get organized and stay organized.
The process you will learn breaks down organizing into manageable steps. This step-by-step process works just as well for small projects like a junk drawer to large projects like a basement, overflowing with year’s worth of stuff. Once you learn the process, you’ll tackle future organizing projects with confidence and ease!
To learn more about my services visit https://simplify101.com/faqs.htm