Easy Meal Planning (download)


Are you looking for a simple, flexible approach to getting dinner on the table? Are you looking for a plan tailored to your own eating preferences, budget and schedule? If so, look no further!

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A simple, flexible approach to getting dinner on the table!

In this PDF download, you’ll learn how to create and implement a customized approach to getting dinner on the table. You’ll build your plan around your top menu planning goals such as eating healthier, simplifying meal prep, saving time and saving money. In the end, you’ll create a plan that works for you, taking the stress and frustration out of your dinner time recipe!

How will you benefit from this download?

Easy Meal Planning doesn’t prescribe a one-size-fits-all approach to getting dinner on the table. Instead, you’ll start by becoming clear about what’s most important to you when it comes to planning and preparing meals, as well as the unique benefits you want to create. Then, following a simple, step-by-step process, you’ll implement your own, customized approach to meal planning. As a result you will…

  • Build a customized meal plan that takes into account your goals, cooking preferences and schedule.
  • Create a flexible, adaptable meal plan that fits your lifestyle. (Planning doesn’t mean you have to eat a specific meal on a predetermined night. But instead, you’ll create a plan based on what works for you).
  • Overcome your obstacles to planning dinner ahead of time.
  • Learn a do-it-yourself approach to meal planning as well as alternatives for delegating the planning process (and even meal prep!).
  • Successfully change your approach to planning menus (even if you have tried before and weren’t happy with the results).

As a result, you’ll enjoy many satisfying benefits:

  • Save time by shopping less often and by avoiding peak shopping times (when the users of the wing-it-and-hope-for-the-best-and-if-the-worst-happens-stop-by-the-store-for-something-frozen system are racing through the aisles). Plus, fewer trips to the store means fewer impulse purchases, which can help you save money and stick to healthier eating habits.
  • Spend less money and stay within your budget by planning meals around coupons and sales.
  • Make it easier (and more possible) for other people to pitch in and help with meal prep. Not only will this save you time, but you’ll also have the opportunity to teach your kids cooking skills or simply enjoy the company of cooking alongside friends and loved ones.
  • Avoid carryout and drive-thru dinners which means you’ll eat healthier and save money!
  • Add more variety to your diet, prepare more nutritious meals and feel better!
  • Plan your meals based on what’s fresh at the store, or what you find at the farmer’s market or get from your CSA.
  • Waste less food because your grocery shopping will be more intentional and based on what you plan to eat. This is good for you, the planet and your wallet!
  • Have more fun cooking when you plan around your cooking and eating preferences.
  • Find it much easier and faster to make a grocery list and shop.

You’ll pick the benefits that matter most to you and incorporate these into your customized plan. In the end, you’ll turn a potentially stressful time of day—dinner time—into one that is enjoyable and relaxing and allows you to focus on what’s most important to you.

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