The following is a sample of my weekly organizing quick tip. If you don’t yet subscribe, you can sign up here.
A few years ago I wrote an article on how to make every day your most productive day. This article explained the elements that were in place during my most productive day. It was a day where I had a mile-long to-do list, and everything on that list got done. Wouldn’t it be great if every day was like that?
My terrific mood was one of the key factors that contributed to my productivity that day. I was getting ready to go on a much-needed vacation, and I was excited about it! I was in a great mood, and did everything on my to-do list enthusiastically, quickly and with purpose.
Have you ever noticed the connection between mood and productivity—that it’s much easier to get things done when you’re in a terrific mood? Once you become aware of this connection, it only makes sense to become more intentional about being in a good mood, or to look for ways to improve your mood whenever you can. A pick-me-up list is like a better mood in a bottle. Create a list of activities that make you happy, and then pull out your list and do one any time your mood and productivity need a boost.
Here are some ideas for your pick-me-up list:
- Make a list of things you’re thankful for.
- Spend 10 or 15 minutes getting up and moving — walk, run, do yoga or dance.
- Read a few pages of an inspiring book.
- Turn on your favorite upbeat music.
- Spend time with your children or pet doing something silly.
- Visualize your goals or focus on what you want, instead of dwelling on the way things are right now.
- Do something creative.
Take action! What activities consistently transform your mood? Create your own pick-me-up list today, and then use it to help you feel better and get more done! I’d love to hear your ideas for your pick-me-up list in the comments! Thanks for sharing.
Start your day out right, exercise, meditate, journal, and/or drink your coffee before anyone else is awake and then hit the ground running! Mornings when I’m out the door, at the gym, and then home again before 7am always turn out to be good days!
What really picks me up is to wake up in a beautiful, clean, organized home. I also love it if i have written down what i have to do, and if i have planned my meals for the week.
So i guess clarity of surroundings helps me to have clarity of mind and to feel good.