Fighting Feelings of Overwhelm to Finish the Job
Have you ever felt like the final details of a project are more overwhelming than any other part of it? For me, it often feels like the last finishing bits of any project can be incredibly [...]
Have you ever felt like the final details of a project are more overwhelming than any other part of it? For me, it often feels like the last finishing bits of any project can be incredibly [...]
This is uncharacteristic for me, but I have to admit that I’m pretty excited to “spring forward” this weekend. It’s been a long winter, friends, and I will take anything remotely connected to the concept of [...]
If you've got school-aged kids like me, do you dread the Valentine’s Day clutter that comes along with this holiday? Before Valentine’s Day, our dining room table gets overrun with paper scraps, googly eyes and stickers. [...]
"Plan the date of the month.” That’s what my calendar pops up to tell me at the beginning of each month. Do you date your mate? I remember when our kids were babies and a wonderful, [...]
This week, we put the finishing touches on our self-paced Organize Your Kitchen class to offer it on-demand! Revisiting all that great content inspired me to take action in my own kitchen. I'm happy to say [...]
Update: Now that we've expanded the Management Binder from a free download to a free mini class (woohoo!!) this blog post has been edited. (The original was published in October 2011.) In this blog post, Jennifer shares her [...]
Aby and Jay were clearly surprised when I told them during lunch that I’d limited my wardrobe to 7 items for the past week. I didn’t tell them about it until the week was over because [...]
Everyone at my house is recovering from a cold that lasted two weeks, and my neighbor just told me that her daughter woke up with a stomach ache and fever. Naturally her daughter played at our [...]
One of the biggest questions we hear in our online classes is about how to get family members on board with getting and staying organized. In this Fabulous 15 Minute Organizing Fix, we’re going to be [...]
If you store shirts in a drawer, I don't have to tell you how challenging it can be to keep the drawer tidy. Right? My daughter Joy’s T-shirt drawer was completely out of hand. She continued [...]