
Letting it be easy…

By |Blog, Inspire|

This past weekend, my husband Jay and I took care of something that had been on our to-do list since the beginning of April. We had been dreading this task for weeks…because it felt hard. Really. [...]


By |Blog, Inspire|

Last week, my family and I snuck away for a few days of vacation in Michigan. I always call this “going home” since I grew up in Michigan and this is where most of my immediate [...]

Stay Energized in January

By |Blog, Inspire|

After all the busyness and excitement of the holidays, January can be a tough month to get through.  In the northern hemisphere, spring seems far away and the reality of winter really sets in. If you [...]

Slow Down…

By |Blog, Inspire|

In my neck of the woods, summer is more than halfway over. I can hardly believe it myself…but school will be starting in just four short weeks! It’s time to slow down and savor the rest [...]


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