Q + A

Blog-Jam Part 2

By |Blog, Q + A|

So...I ended that last post rather abruptly. Typepad was freaking out on me. It wouldn't let me go to the end of my last sentence in my post. The down arrow didn't work. The right arrow [...]


By |Blog, Q + A|

What is a blog-jam, you ask? It's a close relative of the log-jam, but has nothing to do with logs and everything to do with blogs. A blog-jam happens when a blogger, like me, gets back-logged [...]

A Few Updates

By |Blog, Q + A|

Here are answers to some questions in previous posts. Bins in the medicine post are from Target. Wal-Mart carries these, too. We keep our medicine in the kitchen in a high-up cabinet. It was there when [...]

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