Your June Get Organized Checklist
It’s the first of the month, which means its checklist day! What’s on your to-do list for the month of June? Here are some ideas to help you stay organized all month long! June Get Organized [...]
It’s the first of the month, which means its checklist day! What’s on your to-do list for the month of June? Here are some ideas to help you stay organized all month long! June Get Organized [...]
Earlier this month, I planted my vegetable and herb garden. This means, I spent a lot of quality time with the weeds that had already taken up residence in my garden bed. As I was preparing [...]
Wow, Sunday is May 1st, the start of my favorite month of the year! It’s my birthday month, and my anniversary month, but even more, May is usually a great month to spend some time outside. What's [...]
When it comes down to it, what I do for a living is help people create change. Every single person who has stopped by my website to learn about online classes, or called me to inquire [...]
Happy March to you! Didn't February just fly by? Well, here we are on the first day of a fresh new month...with spring just around the corner. Spring—and spring cleaning—are on my mind right now, so [...]
You'll find lots of ideas on this site to help you get organized and create change in your life. When all is said and done, you might feel a bit overwhelmed with all the ideas. Where [...]
This past weekend my husband and I started getting our yard ready for fall and winter. It was a gorgeous weekend—so I was in search of a project that I could do while spending time outside. [...]
The other day, while pondering clutter (something I do quite often), it occurred to me that the reason clutter accumulates for many people is that they don’t have an exit strategy for their stuff. They haven’t [...]
Are you having a hard time bringing about change in your life? Maybe you're trying to do too much at once. When we get the enthusiasm to make change, it's a natural tendency to want to [...]
If you’re in the process of getting organized, here are a three simple organizing nuggets to inspire you to declutter and create change! […]