January is traditionally the time of year when our thoughts turn to setting goals and writing resolutions. But why wait? As far as I’m concerned—any time of year can be an opportunity to reconnect with your goals and take steps to  create positive change in your life!

set goals sticky noteWhy not create a new tradition, and set Half Year resolutions? Take a few moments to decide what you’d like to accomplish in the next six months. If you set New Year resolutions but haven’t given them much thought lately, pull them back out. What would you like to bring back into focus for the next six months?

Once you decide on a goal or two, jot down a list of simple steps you can take to inch yourself closer to your goal. Then, add one task to your to-do list! When you check it off, add the next task to your list! Follow this simple process and come January, you’ll have achieved your goals and you’ll be ready to take on new challenges in the upcoming year!