I always love the year-in-review segments news programs do this time of year. So I thought I’d do my own year in review blog post listing a few of my favorite things from 2009. Ready? Let’s go!

Throw out fifty things Favorite Book

Throw Out Fifty Things” by Gail Blanke

I loved, loved this book. And it would be a great one to read now if you have “declutter” on your list of New Year’s  Resolutions. You can read my review of “Throw Out Fifty Things” here.

Favorite Book – Non-Organizing Related

Julie and Julia”  by Julie Powell

It is a very rare occasion that I read a book that isn’t in the organizing, time management or self improvement category. But I am so glad I ventured outside my norm and read this one. I was drawn to this book because it’s about a blogger (and I have a blog) and it’s about cooking (and I love to cook – though not at the level of either Julie or Julia.) I seriously found this book to be laugh-out-loud funny…a nice little escape from my real world and my typical “practical reading for knowledge” type of books.

Favorite Movie

The Blind Side

Oh, how I loved this movie. But I must also mention (in fairness to all the other movies out there) that this movie didn’t have much competition in terms of making it’s way to the top of my list. It is quite possibly the only movie I saw in a theater in 2009. But still…it was a really great movie.

Favorite Company – Non-Organizing Related

Life is Good

Jay turned our family into Life Is Good fanatics, and the more I learn about this company the more inspired I am.

Favorite New Bucket

Bucket of cardsThe green, oval bucket

Every favorite things list must have a bucket on it. Right? Of course it does! So here’s mine…my favorite new bucket of 2009 is the green bucket I picked up from Target over the holidays. Hands down it’s the winner. (And yes, I wish I had gotten more.)

So how about you? What are some of your favorite things from 2009—books, movies, magazines, buckets or anything else for that matter? I’d love to hear.