(This post started out as a Finish It Friday post. But a different post came out of me instead. I will post my Finish It Friday post later today. Check back soon.)

Last week I mentioned that there have been some things going on around here this summer…some good and exciting stuff, as well as some challenging things. Today I want to (finally) share about the challenging stuff.

Three years ago my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. I have avoided making a widespread announcement about this for a few reasons, but here are the two biggies. First, was out of respect for my Dad’s privacy. Just because I have a blog and share stuff about my life in this public space doesn’t mean he signed up for the same. So…I thought it was best to hang low about it. And that decision was supported by my second reason: it has always been my goal to keep this blog as positive as possible. And I couldn’t quite figure out how to mix cancer and positive messages.

But it’s also really important to me that this blog be authentic…about real life. And here’s the thing: real life involves happy times and sad times. I think I would be doing you a disservice if I pretend that everything is hunky dory in my life all of the time. It isn’t. It isn’t for me. And it isn’t for anyone else either. We all have ups and downs. It’s part of what this life experience is all about.

My dad has done really well for the past three years—much better than anyone expected based on the type of cancer he has. He has remained positive and active. He has continued to do all the things he loves to do. And he has continued to laugh. (I love his laugh.) To say that he has inspired me in the past three years doesn’t do justice to what has really gone on. I am, quite simply, in awe of him.


My Dad and me three years ago, right after the diagnosis. 

In April we went to Michigan to visit him and he was doing great. Sure, he was more tired than three years ago. But all in all, he was good. He looked good. He was active. He was laughing. It was a really nice visit. He was scheduled to start another round of chemo a short while after we left. And he was very optimistic. He had done really well with his past treatments and they definitely helped.

But this time it has been different. He has had complications that have put him in the hospital twice. He has very little energy. And he isn’t currently able to do many of the things he loves to do. But he does still find a way to laugh…just about every time I talk to him.

So my heart is heavy right now, my friends. Very heavy. And as I said last week, my heavy heart has definitely hampered my creative juices. But maybe having this out in the open will help. We shall see.

I’ll keep you posted.

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