Around here we’re (kind of) getting into the groove of summer. We have two weeks under our belts, which is a good thing. Things are definitely getting easier. The newness and bumpiness (and grumpiness that comes with change) is wearing off…and we’re starting to see signs of getting into a summer groove.

So far this summer has consisted of:

  • Two baby showers
  • One wedding shower
  • One day at a flea market
  • Countless garage sales
  • One trip to the circus
  • Two basketball summer camps
  • One golf clinic
  • Four baseball games
  • One trip to the pool
  • One bike ride
  • One cooking class
  • (And…we’re only in our third week of summer.)
  • One new summer checklist for the kids
  • Five new round, white buckets from target, one put to use serving bagels at the wedding shower


  • Zero trips to the farmer’s market
  • Zero tomatoes from the garden

Tomato plants

(Really looking forward to seeing some red juicy tomatoes on those vines. Soon I hope!)

So…is it just me, or is the transition to summer a bit rocky in your house, too? What do you do to ease the transition? I’d love to hear! Thanks for sharing…and here’s to getting into the summer groove!