Are you getting your family ready for back-to-school? Whether school has started for you or not, here are a few simple ideas just for back-to-school.
Idea #1: Create backpack tag.
Here’s one I did for my daughter.
I simply covered a chipboard flower using Mod Podge, added a sticker with her initial for the center, and voila! a custom name tag. I left her actual name off the tag for safety reasons (just don’t want her name on her back as she walks down the street.) But this tag makes it easy for her to know which pack is hers in a crowd while maintaining her anonymity. (Her name is printed inside in permanent marker.)
Idea #2. Make an event out of shopping for school clothes.
Plan a day for school clothes shopping complete with lunch out or a trip to the ice cream shop. Before heading out, have your children try on all their clothes from last year to see what still works. Put outfits together and figure out which pants need a top, which tops need a bottom, and so on. Write your shopping list on acid free card stock, snap a few photos of the shopping event, and you’ve got the makings for a scrapbook page!
Idea #3: Get your artwork binder ready for the new school year!
Remember this project from the end of last school year? Get this year’s binder ready ahead of time and keep it up as you go. Your kids can join in the fun by creating a cover page at the start of the year and a back page at the end of the year.
Have fun!
I love the artwork folder idea…I am in possession of not one but two boxes full of last years school/art work for all three of my kids. I have a metal bin in my laundry room that the art work and school work go into (on a daily basis) and my thought (initially) was to take pictures of their work every month (when I only had one child in school I was actually able to stay up on that! LOL). I basically lay everything from that month out on the floor and stand on a chair over it and snap a picture. For my older son I would take only two pictures, one in January and one in June (fifth graders just didn’t do that many art projects!). However, all summer I have had this on my to-do list. Then, I read your folder idea AGAIN and LOVE IT. I am getting my binders ready TODAY and will be ready to purge more regularly and I’m hoping to snap a picture and then in the binder (and trash) it will all go!!!
P.S. I am also a keeper of all things kindergarten!!! It is just so cute and this year my youngest is in kindergarten!!!
Thanks once again for your inspiration…I love your ideas so much…
SMART mom..wtg NOT putting her name and address out for the world to see. Inside her back pack is the necessary information. When I do fieldtrips with my class I use the number system. I have a list of the childs names and they are referred to by their first name and their travel badge is the corresponding number.