So we did it. We made it through that crazy time of year known as “get ready for back-to-school.”  And wow, what an emotional roller coaster it has been! I love all the preparations and make quite an event of back-to-school. Both kid’s bedrooms got an organizing intervention and the craft cabinet was converted into a homework cabinet. We carved out time for one last trip to the swimming pool, along with one last (summer time) trip to our favorite Frozen Custard place. And I made quite a nice dent in my original back back-to-school to-do list.  Here’s the official update.

  • Update the calendars with school holidays and events. I went to do this and noticed my current wall calendar (a blank one that you fill in yourself) will only get me through September. So I took the opportunity to upgrade the family calendar. Want to take a peek at my new one? Can’t wait until it arrives! I’ll keep you posted.
  • Declutter and organize the kid’s dressers and closets. Check!
  • Create shopping lists and shop for school supplies and clothes. Check!
  • Clean out the family reference binder…and add this year’s paperwork. Check!
  • Take Collin to get his shots. Check! (Thanks, Jay.)
  • Organize the laundry room for school-year gear. Check!
  • Order new backpacks and check to see if the kids need new lunch boxes. Check! But it seems Collin’s new backpack is too small. May need to send it back and get a bigger one.
  • Set up this year’s school paper / artwork binders and a smaller incubator. This task is next in line…
  • Sign up for the next round of lessons and classes. Check!
  • Go to my nephew’s wedding. Check!
  • Go to the end-of-season baseball party. Check!
  • Enjoy every minute of it…because I know when summer is gone, I will miss it. Check…and boy was I right. It’s awfully quiet around here today…

So now we’re settling down and settling in. I had forgotten what a complete emotional roller coaster this time of year is. (Is it just me?) Collin is at a new school this year, so there was a whole new set of unknowns for him. And then there’s the typical excitement about which friend got which teacher, and which friend is in each class, etc. And then there’s the actual moment of sending them off to spend the day with someone else…once again. I’m always happy after the first half-day when the kids come home and report in. I know they’re going to be okay before they go, but I always like it when I really know they’re okay in their new places.

I’m now looking forward to creating new routines and schedules. We have a nice little lull before the fall activities and lessons kick into high gear…and I’m definitely going to savor every moment of this calmer, slower pace.

How is your back-to-school prep coming along, or in what ways are you winding down for the summer? I’d love to hear from you.