Alright … so I have to admit it … i just kind of jumped into this blogging thing without really understanding all of it completely. So last night I figured out that if I clicked a little button, I could be notified when people post… this is a good thing since I check email religiously and don’t necessarily do a good job back tracking to old posts to see if I have new comments. So if you’ve commented in the past … and were hoping to hear from me and didn’t … I should be better about all of this now that I’ve clued into the blogging technology a bit more 😉

So here’s a question for all you blogging guru’s … what’s this about trackbacks? How do they work and should I be doing this? Would it some how make life easier for any of us involved in this blogging thing? I attempted to read the explanatin on Type Pad last night … maybe it was late … maybe it had a few too many technical words … maybe I just thought it’d be more fun to hear what you think …

Thanks for sharing! Have a great day.